List Of Senitorial Doughfaces

The foUowinrg are tlie names of llie nonhern Senators in Congress, who voted against noor po rating the Wilmot Proviso in tlie treaty with Mexico, and tiiereliy showed llieir readiiK-ss to eurse the Iroe territory of New Mexico wit Ii perpetual slavery. Let the traitors be branded as they deserve ! J. W. nilADBURY, Müine. W. B. S, MOORE DA'L. S. D1CKINS0N, New York. SIMON GAMERON, Pennsylvania. DAN'L. STtJRGEON ?-LEWIS CASS. Mbhiffaa. ALPHEUS FELCH WIL LI AM ALLEN, Ohio. JÃSSE D. BRIGHT. Indiana, KDW'I) A. HANNEQ4N. " èlDNEY1 BRÃESE. Illinois, tÃ. A. DOUöLASS, !tWIiifiniint(n s recoivod tlmt tho letter of MartÃn Van Bukkn iu answer to the nomiiintioro of the Buftalo cODvntion, has appenrod in the EvoBting Post. He saya tho principies and Platform adoptad ut BulTalo, prosentod a chart he can in good fiiith adopt and suitain. We shall lay tho letter bofore ouv re4en as soon as it comes to hand. '