Newberry Hall Will Be Opened

Mr. A. E. Jennings, who secured ie larger part of the money with hich Newberry Hall has been conructed, has again undertaken the ork of raising funds for its com)letion. Nearly 10,000 will be eeded to complete the building. Of this amount there has been raised n Ann Arbor during the past two eeks nearly #2,000, a sum sufficient o finish the lower part of the ing. Work will begin at once on the first floor, and it is thought tha this part of the building will bc ready for use by the ist of May Strong efforts will be made to raise a sum sufficient to complete the en tire building before Commencement The subscriptions thus far receivec are as follows: Dr. C. L, Ford, S500; S. L. A. one-half of proceeds; Miss Anna Pennington, $250; Mr. J. T. Jacobs $roo; Pres. J. B. Angelí, S100; Rïrs A. B. Stevens, $100; Mr. John V Sheehan, S50; Mr. E. E. Calkin $50; Prof. J. B. Steere, $50; Mr. A; L. Noble, $50; Prof. V. M.Spalding" $50; E. F. Mills & Co., #25; Prof A. B. Prescott, $25; Mr. S. W Beakes, $25. Further names will be given next week, and the names of subscribers will be published from week to week. At the chapel meeting Sunday, Mr. Jennings briefly outlined his plan for raising funds to complete Newberry Hall. About $12,000 will be neëded, of which sum there is subscribed $2,200. The students will be asked to provide the 600 assembly chairs necessary for the audience room. For this purpose printed pledges will be circulated this week. On the back of each chair there will be a nickel píate with the name of the giver. Thursday evening, at 7:30 in the chapel, there will be a meeting addressed by President Angelí and other members of the Faculty, at which Mr. Brear ley, of the Detroit Journal, will present his plans for raisingthe balance of the money required. No pledges will be asked for at this meeting, but a large attendance is earnestly desired, for, on the enthusiasm shown here will depend, to a great extent, the response of the alumni.
University of Michigan - Fundraising & Gifts
University of Michigan - Buildings
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
A. E. Jennings
C. L. Ford
Anna Pennington
James Burrill Angell
Mrs. A. B. Stevens
John V. Sheehan
E. E. Calkins
J. B. Steere
A. L. Noble
V. M. Spalding
E. F. Mills
A. B. Prescott
S. W. Beakes
Newberry Hall