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Next Sunday will be Easter. Walter Seabolt is collector of the I Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Don't fail to get your election tickets at the Argus office. The Argus will print election tickets and slips on short notice. The electric sugar cases were put over the term, in the circuit court, yesterday. Thirteen children were confirmed in the Lutheran church, in Saline, on Sunday. The Ann Arbor Brick and Tile Company has received a new mixing machine. E. L. Negus has been given the contraet for building the new Chelsea school house for $6,266. Chauncey Thompson, of Jewett avenue, has a flowing well one hundred and fifteen feet deep. Fred Schlanderer has removed to the store formerly occupied by Cropsey on East Washington. George Schumacher, of Bridgewater, has purchased the farm of Arthur Wheelock, near Saline. Mrs. Sarah C. Thorn died in Manchester, March 14, of nervous prostration, aged sixty-nine years. The lecture of Rev. Fr. Cooney, in St. Patrick's ehurch. Northfield, Sunday afternoon, was well attended. Prosecuting Attorney Lehman entered a nolle pros, in the case of the People vs. John Andrés, yesterday. Prof. Steere and Dr. Rose addressed the union temperance meeting at the Presbyterian church, Sunday. William J. Parsons and Miss Agnes Clark, of Webster, were married last Wednesday by Rev. S. T. Morris, of Dexter. John Herrman, of South Fifth ave, died last Saturday, and was buried yesterday afternoon from Bethlehem chnrch. The annual meeting of the Choral Union and election of officers takes place next Tuesday evening. A full attendance is required. Fred Riele, of Lima, and Miss Louise Reich, of Unionville, were married in Unionville, last Thursday, by Rev. G. Sterm. Bishop Davies will preach in St. Andrew's church next Sunday mornlng- Services will be held at 8 a. m-. 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. The four o'clock services in St. Andrew's church, Easter day, will !'e a full choral service, the first probably ever held in this city. The Sunday school children of St. Andrew's church are to bring their Lenten boxes at the children's choral services, next Sunday afternoon. Dr. Charles Gatchell has an article in the April Forum explaining the so-called mind reading feats, showing that they are really muscle reading. An attempt was made last Friday to rob the till at the Michigan Central ticket office. After prying it open the thief found only five cents, which was left. The communion service on Thursday evening, in commemoration of the founding of the Lord's Supper will be held in Si Andrew's church, at half-past seven o'clock. Mrs. Hartha Hall, wife of A. R. Hall, died at her home in the fourth ward, of paralysis., aged sixty-seven years. The funeral was held at two o'clock, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Bridget Wasser, of North street, died last Thursday, of blood poisoning, aged forty-six years. The funeral services were held Saturday morning in St. Thomas church. Mrs. Katie Barthel,-of this city, was granted a divorce yesterday ! from her husband, Mathew W. Barthel, of Detroit, on the ground of cruelty and neglect to support. I Rev. R. J. Service, of lrumbull avenue, Detroit, will lecture next Sabbath evening in the Tappan training course at the Presbyterian church. Subject: Calvin's institutes. William Crane died the other day in Stony Creek, of heart disease. He awoke in the night and complained of feeling cold. When spoken to, a few moments later, he was dead. t The Ann Arbor Driving Club has elected the following officers: President, John F. Lawrence; vice-president, W. E. Boyden; secretary, J. A. Dell; treasurer, A. W. Pattengill; superintendent, Carlos Hill. Kate, daughter of George Cropsey, died Sunday morning, of diphtheria, aged seven years. This is one of his twin girls. The other children were all away from home. The funeral was held on Sunday. The prohibitionists of this city will meet in convention, on Friday evening, 8 p. m., March 27, at Schumaker's store, 68 South Main street, to transact important business concerning the coming city election. By order of the city committee. Confirmatian services will be held in St. Andrew's church, on Easter eve., Saturday, March 28, at half past seven. There is a Iarge confirmation class. The closing confirmation lecture will be delivered in in the chapel next Friday evening at half-past seven. Edward Burns died in the third ward, Saturday, of rheumatism and old age. He was born on Christmas day, 1803, and was consequently fast nearing four score and ten. The funeral services were held at nine o'clock, yesterday, in St. Thomas church. The Adrián Press thus expresses it: The Ypsilanti road to Ann Arbor is doing quite a traffic in passengers. Sundays all Ann Arbor goes down to Ypsi., and gets a good square meal, at'thè hotels for a quarter. Only about two-thirds as many can ride home in a car as filled it coming down. A. C. Gormley, of this city, won the first prize, $75, in the oratorical contest, Friday night, and the honor of representing the University in the inter-collegiate contest. His delivery was excellent, and his subject, Quo Warranto, handled in. a masterly manner. W. B. Kelly took second prize, #50; his oration, Emilio Castelar, excelling greatly in thought. A Macón correspondent thus refers to John Gorden's hustling proclivities: "John Gordon's machine has been sawing a ' big job,' about 50,000 feet of lumber, in this vicinity. Mr. Gordon's men are hustlers and have the honored reputation of economizing the timber more closely than any sawyers in the country. Six thousand feet is the average day's work with no stopping for wind, weather, rain or luncheon.' ' It is the good fortune of the people of Saline to have published in their midst a newspaper of such general excellence and local enterprise as the Observer. Saline is not a large town, yet its home paper exhibifs as much snap, vim and push as a metropolitan sheet. There are no insects on the publishers, notwithstanding the large hen coop, over which one of them is the presiding officer. - Adrian Press. There will be a special meeting of the board of managers of' the Washtenaw county Agricultural and Horticultural society, Saturday next, March 28, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the supervisors' room for the purpose to make arrangements to lease the race track (when not in use by said society) to the Horse Club Association and such other business as wilj properly come before the society. A good attendance is requested. Hutzel & Co. are making extensive improvements in their store. A new stairway will be put in near the office and a large show room in the second story. In tearing down a partition a box of matches 50 years old was found labeled: "R. V. Pierce's superior percussion matches. Warranted not to be effected by dampness or time and all moneys refunded if they do not give entire satisfaction. Three Jiundred and fifty matches. Price. 12 cents. Milwaukee, Wis." The matches would not light, but as the manufacturer is probably dead, he will not be called upon to refund. - Times. A Hamburg correspondent of the South Lyon Excelsior of last Friday says: "A student from Ann Arbor accompanied jsya lady whose brother lives in Brighton, got into a bad mess at the Huron river bridge near Mr. Prenderghrast's, last Sunday afternöon, as they were on their way to Brighton. The horse got scared at some bilis that were flopping on the side of the bridge and backed off and down the bank on the east side, throwing them both out, the man going through the top of the carriage and the horse landed in the ditch. They were neither of them hurt but the buggy and harness were badly broken and the horse was thoroughly chilled as he was in the water about forty-five minutes, and it took all the men in the neighborhood to get it out. The horse was left at a barn near by and they were taken to Brighton by some of the neighbors. The L. S. C.fair given at the hom e of Mrs.George S. Morris, last Saurday afternoon, was very successful. A great many pretty and useful articles together with home made candy cakes, etc., were offered for sale, and the proceeds amounted to forty dollars. The money will be used among some needy persons whom the children know. The active members of the L. S. C. society are Ethel Morris, Luella Moore, Clara Dean, Nellie Bach, Grace Moore, Lilian Cole, Freddie Gillette, Dottie Jones and Gertrude Chute. The society was originated by Miss Margaret Waterman in the fall of 1889, and their first fair was held last year, the Saturday before Easter, when they cleared twenty eight dollars. At a lawn festival held last July about eighteen dollars was made. The children deserve great credit for their efforts, and doubtless many hearts will be made happy by their thoughtfulness.