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The Mutual Fire Insurance Company

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At the state meeting of the Muual Fire Insurance companies of ie state, the following reports were made by two insurance companies of lis county, and are contained in ie published minutes. "J. F. Spafford, of Washtenew, eported for the Farmers' Mutual or that county. They insure for wo-thirds value, of real estáte and )ersonal, and pay full insurance. "ee for membership is 75 cents, and o cents for each hundred dollars nsured. Collect up very close, ïave few delinquents." "Henry Paul, of the Germán Vlutual Fire Insurance company of Washtenaw county, the oldest comany in the state, gave a report of ie company. Have a president, ecretary, treasurer and three direcors, one director elected each year, ïereby keeping a majority of the )oard old members with experience. lave agents in the several towns. 'heir membership fee is L2.25 and or increase $1.25. They reorganzed in 1890. Insure for threeourths value on real estáte and pay uil value in personal, up to the mount of insurance. Are in a rosperous working condition."