Polsons In Cosmetics. It seems to be the fashion of young ladies with pimples and blotches on their faces to make experiments with various cosmetics. Madame Piffypaffy advertises her foreign-named compound, composed of a combination of poisonous mineral substances that deaden and burden the delicate substances of t]ie skin. There are no complexions like those that nature give. The tonic, strengthening andhealthgiving effects of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) permit nature to work her will in this respect, as thousands of ladies, both young and old, have discovered. Thecheapest and most beautiful complexions depend on health and vigor. It is the office of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) to give vigor and tone and health to the system,and in this way togive lustre to the eye and roses to the cheeks.
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