Drs. Fruth
lío Money Beqnired of Reponslble Parties to Commence Treatmenk Forinerly of New York, now the celebrated Examining Physicians and Surgeons of the Fruth Mecical and Surgical lnstitute, Chicago, 111., by request. of raany Friends and Patient8, have decided to visit A.NN ABIiOR THUESDAY, APRIL, 9th, 139], Consultation and Examination f ree and strictly confidential in the private parlors of rmE3 cooz: house, ONE DA Y ONLY. D. 0. FRUTH. A.C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examlning Physician, OF THE Fruth. Medical and Surgical lnstitute. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of #100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic vand Sexual cDLseases, Catarrh, Asthma; Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Deseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a Kidney and Bladder Diseases. never failing method. Ahorne treatment enBright's Öisease, Diabetes and kindred maiatirely harmlPSS and easily applied. Consultadies treated and cures effected in thousHnds 01 tion tree and strictly confidential. ■ ■ cases that had been pronounced bevond nope. T5T??ut?raftSSrïï?êrieriSS .„Private Blood Poisor uSyvf perfectedthemostinfalliblemethodof curingr ïllis, Gononhcea, Gleet, tncture, Hyarocere Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, lmVericoeele, Loss of Sexual Power and all ds paired Memory, Weak Back, Melancholy, soases oí Ü10 genito-urinary orf 'n9'iT„c'd Want of Energy, Premature decline of the and permenently cured. tNV ínnfKttel ManlyPowers, if consulled before idiocy, inConsu tation frce and strictly cot lentl,i sanity, falling flts or total impotency results. Medicine sent free from observation u au These terrible disorders arisefrom rumous parts of the United States, practicesof youth, blitbing the mostradiant Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affections 01 hopes, patiënt for study, society, or the nose, throat, lungs and stomach, nronmarriage. Annually sweeping to an unchitis, asthraa, consumption and dyspcpsia. timely grave thousands ol' young men of successfully treated by the most recentan briliant intelect and exalted talent. scientiflc methods which a vast hospital exPUes Cured without pain, knife or eQ6Treo%ePtTeHro7frto7.ücceríhJnntíe uauterytestimoniáis on üle at the institute, of tliouMarrlagre. Married persons or young men sands of helpless cases that we have restoren contemplating marriage, aware of pbvsical to health and happiness. weakness, loss of proereatiye ppwers, Free Examination of the Urine, potency, or any other disqualaliflcation, Each person applying for medical treatment speedily restored. should send or L ring an ounce of their urino, Epllepsy positively cuied by our new and which will receive a careful chemicai auu never failing Hospital treatment. microscopical examination. Hffl?nPB P!!T PfTCP? Perfccted in old casee which have been neglected orunskillfully tawaWUÍÍüEftiUlí CURES No experimeuts (.r failures, Parties treated by mail and express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred, Curable cases guaranteed. JSCases and correspondenoe confldontlal. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of 'the K 3. List of 130 free. Address with postage. DR. D. O. FKÜTH, 8 East Madlsiw Jtreet, Chicago, 111,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
D. O. Fruth
A. C. Fruth