Schairer & Millen
Gíoük Department. NEW S?RING JACKETS! H.a-teac Steles. NO OPEN Reefers and Blazers in Cheviots, DlAGON Kh'. . ' '.' IRKSCREWS. STOCKINETS: Medium and Ligbt Weiclits. CAPES and MANTLES: J ín Silk and Cloth. It is by far the largest line shown in Ann Arbor tliis spring. In this lurgc lot yon will flnd Jackets at $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, SB.50, $8.00 and $50.00. No otbei liouse in the city can show yon snoh a variety. The styles and shadcs are very hand'some. S cüaírfir - & - Míllen, Leaders of Iaw Prices.
Schairer & Millen
Clothes - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus