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Will Prosecute Martin

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Washington Citt, March L5.- President Harrison has decidtd that Senator Vance's stepson, Harry Martin, shall be made to pay the penalty of his escapade ia breaking imo the White House anc alarming the household on Saturday night. The president arrived at this determination after hearing some of the details of young Martin's spree before reaching the White House. The president was told that last Saturday night Martin was guest at a dinner given at a fashionable restaurant, and after havinga row with iris host, suddenly arose from the table anu started for the White House with the intention, as he anuounced it, to "'Do' Ben Ljrrison." This information was communicated to the president yesterday. Set a Bad Example. He was the more incensed when he learned that two other drunken men, profitins; by Martin's behavior, had preseuted themselves at the White House yesterday and noisily demanded admission. When the case was called in the pólice court yesterday Mr. Dubois, the White House attaché whoarrested Martiu, appeared with Mr. Armes, the assistant United States attorney for the District of Columbia, and at the instauce of the attorney swore out a warrant against the young man. Mr. Armes stated that the president desired a full investigation of the matter, and the government was ready to proeeed. Martin was not present. He is still under the physician's care, and upon motion of his attorney he was admitted to f500 bail and the case continued until Thursday.