News Of The State
A Jackson farmer has bored a ten-inch hole into the earfli a clisiance ot 'ZOO feet ' without fludiug water. Greenville people have nearly t500,(XX) ou deposit in the banks ot that city. John D. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil millionaire, gives $15,000 to Kalamazoo college. Marquette Methodists will put $20,000 into a new church building. The Fowlervüle fire was one of the most disastrous conflagrations in the histoiyofthe state, the losses footing up $250,000 with less tlian one-tenth of that amount covered by insurance. Holly farmers have contracted to grow 100,000 bushels of cucumbers for a local preserving company at 45 cents per bushel. Cadillac has a flsherraiin and good story teller who claims to have harvested a twenty-six pound pickerel The soldiers' monument, donated by C. H. Hackley to the city of Muskegon, is to built of Yermont granite. seventy feet in hight, surruounted by a figure representing victory, four,teeu feet high. It will be one of the finest pieces of work of tbe kind in the entire state. A little 8-year-old girl named Wise, living at Wise station, near Mt. Pleasant, played with matches during tbe absence of her parents and was fatally burned. The house was destroyed. Fifty-three bodies have been incinerated at the Detroit creuiatory since it went inte commission, twenty of which occurred the past year. Battle Creek Adventists have distributed over 5,000,000 pages of tracts advocating the tenets of their faith during the last twelve months. An Ithaca girl sued her lover $3,000 worth because he married another feminine, and then settled the case on the payment of $100 and the return of her love letters. Marshal Koon is a North Morenci man who sued his father-in-law $5,000 worth for alienation of his wife's affections and the disruption of his home. Symp toms of a strike among the carpenters and masons areapparent at Grand Rapids, and unless an increase of wages is granted, things will likely &oon come to a head. Ex-Governor Austin Blair, familiarly inown as Michigan's war governor, is writing a book of his recollections of that stormy period. A company with $500,000 capital stock will work a brownstone quarry near Rock River. The excavations made at Bad Axe in search of coal failed to reveal any fuel, and the work has been abandoned. Dennis Hubbard gets a Ufe sentence at Jackson prisoh for criminally assaulting little Dora Kingston, a child of Reven summers, at Detroit in January last. Abraham Hooning, a veteran of the late war vvho'a seen 74 f rosty seasons, was married last week to Sarah Jane Cranipton, a lady of 69 summers. All tlñs happened at Grand Rapids. The Detroit Opera house was damaged &20.000 worth by flre on the afternoon of the 18th. A matinee was being held at the time the flre broke out, but the audience escaped without injury. The Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery has just turned out torty-eigbt freshly graduated M. D.'s to practice on the infirmities and pocketbooks of their fellow citizens. Warren Aikens, a newly married Sullivan gentleman, has caused the arrest of the two chapa who organized a charivari and made life a burden for himself and bride. Warren asks for $5,000 worth of damages, A Nortbville woman has been arrested for obtaining goods of merchants for the ostensible purpose of matching colors, anu not réturning them. The February indicatious of an early opening of navigation at the straits have received a material setback by the March blizzards. Vessels may not get through uow before April 20. Michigan grand lodge of Knights of Pythias held its annual session at Grand Rapids, partook of a bang-up banquet, and elected D. C. Page, of Petoskey, grand mogul. and James W. Hopkins, of Lausing, keeper of records and setils. Muskegon had a little excitement the other day, caused by the placing of a torpedo on the f lectric street car tracks. Of course the explosión made a big racket and the passenger were frightened, but no damage was done. A Negaunee miner was told that he would die on a certain day, and so threw up a goód job to enjoy himself for the few days he had to live. The fatal date passed with the miner in good health, and now he's mad, not because he is alive, but to think he allowed himself to be imposed upon. Farmer Wilbur, oL near Adrián, has markoted 10,000 pounds of wool in that city for Adrián cash, the largest grocer's sale ever made in the town. Bonsfield, Perrin & Co. 's box factory at Bay City got a $10,000 scoicU on. the night of the 18th. Afc a wood sawiag contest held at Port Huron for the Michigan championship and a purse, Isaac Miller, a Canadian, cut a cord of green maple in oue hour and fortytwo m'nutes, and walked off with the belt and Í50 in cash. Fred Port, the Bay City coachman who lost his life while trying to restrain a vicious horse, left a large family with a mortgaged home, and kind hearted neighj bors chipped in and raised the mortgage. Miss Sally Dwinnels, a maiden lady of Scotts, Kalamazoo county, has just written the first letter she's indited in thirty years. Letter writing isn't her forte. The robbing of George H. Smith's store at Pearl seems to have involved the Smith family to an unusual degree, although the arrested members have not yet had a triaL Saginaw county is arranging to build a $20,000 poor house to replace the ?6,000 one that was burned. Bay City business men have pledged J50,000 to aid in the construction of a railway to the Sebewaing coal fields and Port Huron. Dr. Walter E. Eeid has returned to Grand Bapids from his sojourn at the Detroit house of correction, and was warmly received by Spiritualist friends. The doctor will resume his old vocation of communicating with departed spirits but won't use the United States mails for that purpose. The Negaunee miners lost $2,500 worth of time by their strike, but succeeded in securing their pay. Josepuine State, the young lady who borrowed a horse and was then arrestec on a horse stealing charge, has been tried and acquitted by a Grand Bapids jury.
Kalamazoo College
First Methodist Church of Marquette
Accidents - Fire
Marriage Announcements
Detroit College of Medicine
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John D. Rockefeller
Charles H. Hackley
Marshall Koon
Austin Blair
Dennis Hubbard
Dora Kingston
Abraham Hooning
Sarah Jane Crampton
Warren Aikens
D. C. Page
James W. Hopkins
Isaac Miller
Fred Port
Sally Dwinnels
George H. Smith
Josephine State
Detroit Opera House