Wilcox's Charge
Lansing, Mich., March 24.- The scanal arising ont of the statement of Senaor Wilcox, the labor representativo of he Twelfth district, that an attempt had been made to bribe hira to vote with the tepublicans against the redistricting biü s assuming large proportions. Senator Wilcox says that the man who infortned lim that the Independent senators had he chance of their lives if they would ote with the Kepublicans on political measures, and that three of them would lave a market valué of $30,000, was George W. O wen, of Owosso. O wen is publisher of the Shiawasse American and is known as a stal wart Kepublican. The Matter To Be Investlgated. Owen said yesterday that he never offered Wilcox Í30.000. "VVilcox," he said, gave me to understand that he was opposed to a gerrvmandering scheme. All I aid, as I recollect it, was that this was he chance of his life." Owen also stated hat he had talked with a prominent Deroit Kepublican, Senator Joe Weiss, about the independent vote before approaching Wilcox. Weiss said last night hat he had talked over the situation with Owen, but denied that there was any intimation that votes would be purchased. At an evening session held at 10 o'clock ast night, the senate unanimously adopted a resolution appointing a special committee to f ully investígate the whole matter.
Michigan State Legislature
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George W. Owen
Joe Weiss