I Ion. J. V. N. Gregory wasin the city Monday. E. J. Knowlton has been visiting his daughter in Adrián. Miss Nellie Rinsey has returned to her school in Monroe. Miss Alice Lovejoy, of Detroit, is visiting her sisters here this week. A. P. Ferguson left for Cincinnati yesterday for a short business trip. Judge C. B. Grant has been the guest of his father-in-law, ex-governor Felch. Miss Florence Underwood, of Wayne, is spending the week with Mrs. A. P. Ferguson. Mrs. Wirt Cornwell and daughter are visiting in Chicago and Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. E. T. Leoffler, of Saginaw, was called here Thursday by the severe illness of her mother, Mrs. George Miley. Mayor Manly, President Howlett and City Attorney Kearney have been in Lansing this week. Miss Susie Hill who has been visiting her mother for the past two weeks will return to Omaha next Monday.