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H. M. Taber is in North Dakota. Thirteen Manchester firemen wear uniforms. The Castalian is expected tobe on sale to-day. We want a correspondent at Whitmore Lake. One Chelsea merchant has a ton of peanuts in stock. George Coe has purchased the Henry Kelsey farm in York for $$o an acre. John Miller died in Freedom, March 22, of rheumatism,aged fortyfive years. The democrats of Ypsilanti city nomínate their ticket Thursday evening. Twenty-eight children formed the last confirmation class in Bethel church in Freedom. Adrian's city expenses last year were$47.i8o, besides $30,900 paid for short time loans. The Germán Workingmen's society in Manchester gave their annual ball last evening. Rev. Mr. Potter, the Saline M. E pastor, was given a $125 donation last Wednesday evening. ■Over $800 has already been subscribed towards the proposed $25, otfo M. E. church in Ypsilanti. The Students' Lecture Association has contributed $400 toward the completion of Newberry Hall. Miss Francis Herbert, of this city, recently of Ionia, was married last Thursday, at Ionia,to Arthur Barnes. The funeral services of John Freeman, Jr., were held in St. Andrew's church at nine o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Philip Bach will give a social to the young people of the Presbyterian church at eight o'clock next evening. Eugene Mann's nameismentioned in connection with the mayoralty nomination, He has good running qualities. The city expenses of Jackson for the year were #166,624. 29, about four times as large as Ann Arbor's expenses. Frank Joslyn, of Ypsilanti, has (lecided to remove to Muskegon, where he will open a law and real estáte office. The Saline sheep breeders' association holds. its annual sheep shearing festival, April 7, if it is election day. Ann Arbor township's board of registration will meet at N. B. Covert's shop, on Saturday, to register new voters. Julius Weinberg will have to deliver 2,250 wagon loads of stone to the University hospital before his contract is finished. ' ' The fire alarm Sunday night was aused by the burning of the chimney in Jerry Collins' house on Síorth Main street. Don't fail to register to-day, if your name was not on the list last fall. The voters in the nevv addition to he city must all register. The democratie caucus in Freedom will be held on Thursday. fhere is no need of holding a rejublican caucus in that town. The gymnasium fund has been increased two hundred and fifty dolars, through the liberality of Mr. ïiram Walker, of Detroit. The Chelsea school board will put n the Smead system of heating and ventilating in the new school build" ng at an expense of $1,362. The probate court, yesterday, made an assignment of the estáte of Mrs. Emma M. Leisemer to Louis Leisemer and his daughter, Lulu. John Eagan, of Elizabeth street, died of heart disease, Saturday, aged 72 years. The funeral was held in St. Thomas church yesterday. John Jacob Schaeffer, of West riuron street, died Friday evening, aged ninety-three years. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon. Samuel McLaren and Miss Mary Kittridge were married Tuesday evening, at the residence of the the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Kittridge, by Rev. Mr. Carman. Adrián has a lock-up into which she puts her tramps o' nights. The Press says if only nine tramps were to spend the ntght there, theywould feel so lonesome they could hear the clock tick. Mrs. Elmer W. Bowen, of Ypsilanti, was willed the estáte of her brother, Major Davies, who has just died in Adrián, subject to the maintenance of a sister. The estáte is thought to be worth $15,000. Mrs. Edgar A. Cooley, nee Fitehugh, died in Bay City, of pneumonía, Saturday morning, after a ten day's illness. Mr. Cooley is a son of Judge Cooley and they had been married but a few months. The Easter services at St. Andrew's church, were unusually well attended. Hundreds of people were unable to get in the church at the morning service and the full chora service in the afternoon was well attended. __ The Saline Observer says that "la grippe seems disposed to make another tour of the country.' "Seems disposed" is good when every fourth person has it. Prob ably the epidemie will be over by the time the Observer discovers i has arrived. Mike O'Hara says the finest bunch of fat sheep ever marketed here, was 27 head he a few dayssince bought of John Schleh, which average 123 pounds. The price paid was five and one-half certts, thus making the 'bunch" bring Mr. S. the snug sum of #859. Who says sheep don' ay? - Saline Observer. The following are the successful competitors forthe Palladiumprires: First prize poem, I. K.' Friedman; second prize poem, J. R. Angelí; first prize song, F. N. Scott; secon prize song, J. R. Angelí. The Drizes were awarded by Professors Stanley, Walter and Kelsey. Alderman Warren E. Walker resigned his position as alderman of the third ward, yesterday, to accept the appointment of adjutant in the soldiers home in Grand Rapids. A special council meeting last evening ordered an election to fill the vacancy. The third ward thus elects two aldermen this spring. There is considerable interest manifested in the coming engagement of the Cornell glee and banjo clubs at the opera house Thursday night. Everyone knows how well the Cornell boys play foot ball, base ball, and now we shall see how they play banjos. The advance sale already points to a successful engagement. The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti street railroad intend spending considerable money in ballasting and fixing up their line between this city and Ypsilanti this spring. The Ann Arbor street railroad will build its extensión this spring, and a gentleman interested in both roads says that employment will be given to a large force of men, from 150 to 200. Charles W. Hollis, a medical student from Manchester, died on Tuesday of last week, of congestión of the brain. He graduated from the pharmacy department, last year, and entered the medical department in October. He was taken óick while in attendance here and returned to Manchester, March 13. Very little is stirring in city poliitics. The offices as a general rule are seeking the men. A number of democrats are endeavoring to impress, Prof. M. E. Cooley into accepting the nomination for mayor, which in his case, at least, would be equivalent to election. Among the republicans mentioned are G. F. Allmendinger, E. F. Mills, R. Spokes and R. Kempf. ■ Ypsilanti offers $10,000 as an enterprise boom. Whenthe enterprise ïas been captured, it should be jlaced under $10,000 bonds to not jet up and move out in the night. A bought industry is a thing to be vatched. - Adrián Press. Adrián peaks from experience. If we misake not one of her boughten indusries deserted her, leaving large bilis ue the merchants and a large numer of vacant houses. The prohibitionists held a city onference in Shoemaker's store last "riday and after discussing putting city ticket in the field adjourned until next Thursday evening at half ast seven o'clock iri A. Wilsey's tore, when, as a leading prohibiionist expressed it, a prohibition icket will be placed in the field to ceep up the organization. A class of sixty-seven was conïrmed by Bishop Davies in St. Andrew's church, Saturday evening. Twenty-three of them were heads of families. This is the largest class that has ever been confirmed in the history of the church. One hundred and two persons have been added to the church since Rev. Mr. Tatlock began his ministrations here. The democrats of Northfield have nominated and should elect the following ticket: Supervisor, Philip Duffy; clerk, George Gerlach; treasurer, John W. Coyle; highway commissioner, John W. Zeeb; justice of the peace, Thomas G.Wallace, board of review, Henry Jung; school inspector, James O'Brien; drain commissioner, Peter Galligen; constables, James Maroney, John R. King, Thomas Rauschenberger, John Lawton. The town committee is George Kempf, John Gerlach and John Shannahan. The democrats of Ann Arbor ;ownship have nominated the fol:owing ticket which they will elect next week: Supervisor, 'T. G. Burlingame; clerk, Cari Widemann; treasurer, Charles Braun; highway commissioner, John Smith; school inspector, Walter S. Bilbie: justice, William Kirn; board of review, John O'Hara; drain commissioner, J. Fred Stabler; constables, Jacob Hagan, Adam Schlecht, John Steffee, F. J. Parker. The town committee for next year is J. J. Parshall, H. B. Feldkamp and Henry Braun.