Annual Meeting Of St. Andrew's Parish
At the parish meeting in St. An drews' church, Tuesday, C' H Richmond was elected senior war den; John M. Wheeler, junior warden; C. S. Denison, E. D. Kinne, B. M. Thompson, H. J. Brown, E Treadwell, J. C. Wood, C. B. Nancrede and James Clements, vestrymen. The treasurer's report showed that the receipfs of the church for regular expenses during the year were Í3334-I7 of which #2,696.40 were pew rents, and the disbursements were 13,121.50. Besides this amount, $2,351.61 were collected for building the recess chancel, of which #2,267.51 was expended. The special collections turned over to the ladies' aid society amounted to Í75. 61 and the receipts of the Sunday school f und amounted to L62. 77. The report of the rector as chairman of the commitiee to solicit subscriptions for the building of the chancel, showed that 125 subscriptions had been taken. The church was never in a more prosperólas condition.