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The circuit court has adjourned unitil a week after election. The Schutzenbund hold a shooting estival in their park, April 5. Louis Lutz, formerly in J. T. acobs & Co's., has been elected a city "dad" in Byron. Mrs. Philip Bach gives a social this evening to the young people of the Presbyterian church. Rockwell's new butcher shop at No. 8 West Liberty street will be opened for business to-mqrrow. Mrs. Hannah Day died at her home, in Ypsilanti, Tuesday, of old age. She was seventy-nine years old. Northfield will vote upon the question of raising $800 to build a town hall at the election next Monday. Prof. Geo. Hempl will read a paper before the Unity Club next Monday evening on " Getting Settled in Berlin." The youngest child of William B. Campbell, of Ypsilanti, died of diphtheria, Tuesday morning after a short illness. Mrs. James B. Angelí has been appointed one of the executive committe of the ladies' board of managers of the world's fair. James Kearns has charge of the abstract business in the absence of Capt. Manly. The abstract books were left in thoroughly competent ïands. F. Stofflet, the newsdealer, has removed his business to the rooms recently occupied by Robert Mortimer, one door south of the opera ïouse entrance. Miss Mamie De Vaney died at her lome on Ann street last Monday evening, aged twenty-seven years. The funeral services were held yesterday in St. Andrew's church. The "Be and Do" circle of the King's Daughters of the Congrega:ional church, are preparing "The Peake Sisters," to be given at a date :hat will be announced hereafter. The gospel temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon, will be held in the Baptist church at 3 o'clock, and will be conducted by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association will be held in the library on Monday, April 13, at 2.30 p. m. Members are requested to be present. Mrs. W. W. Beman, Sec'y L. L. A. The remains of Mrs. Jennie West, who died at the residence of her son, J. O. West, of Detroit, were brought to this city Saturday and placed in the vault. The deceasec formerly resided here. The next number of the Chicago Graphic, which will appear April 4, will contain a full page wood engraving of Pres. Angelí, and a four page supplement devoted to a description of the U. of M. The democrats of Ypsilanti last Tuesday evening, nominated the following cándidates for aldermen: George Palmer, Dr. William Patterson, J. H. Whitney, Séneca A. Durand and Aid. McCann. A regular meeting of the board of managers of the Washtenaw county fair association will be held next Thursday, April 9, at 10 a. m., in the supervisors' room. A good attendance is expected, as some important business will be transacted. Mr. and Mrs. George Keal, of Forest avenue, celebrated their golden wedding, last Saturday, with a family gathering. Mr. Keal has resided in this city for fifty-four years. The happy couple were made the recipients of numerous presents. The republican ticket in Ann Arbor town is: Supervisor, M. S. White; Clerk, Charles R. Rash; treasurer, George Green; justice, Jacob Baessler; highway commisioner, Foster Brown; drain commisioner, Thomas Blake; school spector, Charles A. Pryor; board of review, John Keppler. An auction sale of fourteen head Df young cattle, from six to twenty months old, and six work horses, 'rom eight to fourteen years old, ivill be held on Thursday, April 9, it one o'clock, at the residence of Ei. K. White, two miles east of the :ourt house, on the north river road. Fred. Krause is auctioneer. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will speak next Sunday morning at the Unitarian Church, this city, on the "Trial ind Conviction of Rev. Howard VlacQueary." In the evening he will speak at Cleary's Hall, Ypsilanti, on "The Bible, All or None." Sfo evening service here. Reading room open all the afternoon and evening. The ladies of St. Andrew's Church are in correspondence with Mrs. Ewing, of Philadelphia, and Miss Grace G. Allen, of Boston, with the view of holding a cooking school at Hobart Hall in May. It is expected that a course of eight lectures will be given for the sum of three dollars (3.00). It is hoped that a large class of ladies will avail themselves of this opportunity of learning the best methods of preparing nice dishes. f There were 162 new names registered in the city this week, and 62 erased from the registration books. The new registrations were 19 in the first ward, 26 in the second, 35 in the third, 31 in the fourth, 12 in the fifth, and 39 in the sixth. The remováis and deaths were 15 in the first, 9 in the second, 11 in the third, 10 in the fourth, 13 in the fifth, and 4 in the sixth. The new registration is in favor of the republicans in the sixth, and in favor of the democrats in most of the other wards. Mr.Denney'sclasses in rapid writing in the university have been endeavoring to ascertain the amount expended in Ann Arbor for school books. The result of their efforts was announced yesterday. In the primary, grammar and high schools $7,649.29 is spent every year, in the Catholic school $1,212.05, ard in the Lutheran $34.75; a total expenditure of $8,896.09. These figures include only text-books, and due allowance has been made for the small number purchased secondhand from dealers. To those who wish to see the battle fields and monumentsof thesouth by aid of the stereopticon, an opportunity will be offered in the lecture entitled " Among the Monuments" given by Mr. H. B. Steorns on Friday evening next at the Baptist church. Gettysburg, its location, the size of the field, the plan of the battle, and the composition of the two armies, willbeconsidered. The handsome monuments now erected upon this field and that of Petersburg and other places will be shown by lantern views. Good music will be provided. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society, of St Andrew's church, was held at Hobart Hall, Wednesday afternoon. The president of the society, Mrs. Waldron, having declined a re-election, Mrs. Bradley Thompson was elected president. Miss Clements was re-electec vice-president, and Miss Condón secretary and treasurer. The efforts of the society will be directed towards the increase of the func already started for recarpeting and redecorating the church. The secretary read a very touching tribute to the memory of Miss Lillian Wells, who was always a willing and active member of the society, and whose helping hand and cheerful presence will long be missed. After the regular rehearsal, of the Choral Union last Tuesday evening, reports were read by the different officers of the association for the preceding year. Prof. de Pont gave some very interesting facts in regard to the society. He said: "We are now the second chorus in the state but in all probability we will stand at the head next year. Last year there were but one hundred and twenty active members, now there are two hundred and thirty, a marvelous increase. It may be of interest to know that steps have been taken towards placing a Frieze memoria organ in University Hall." The report of Treasurer Winans was also full of interest. There is now in the treasury $1,877, a sum which guarantees all concerts so far engaged. The old officers were re-elected bya unanimous vote. They are: Prof. de Pont, pres.; Mr. Hopkins, sec; Mr. Winans, treas.; and Mr. Dorrance, librarían.