Light On The Sweating System
Boston, March 31. - The legislativo committee on public health yesterday begaa a hearing on the "sweating" system of manufacturing clothing in New York, which was made the subject of a recent special message by Governor Russell. John Crowley, of Boston, general secretary of the Clothing Operativos' National union, testifled that he had been to New York and found that several prominent clothing dealers of Boston had their goods manufactured in New York tenement houses under unwholesome conditions. The rooms were extremely filthy. In one room measuring 12x9 feet there were thirty peo pie of both sexes. The air was foul. No Clothes for the Children. Up-stairs were a number of children, the eldest 10 years of age, entirely nude, playing about the floor. Unwholesome sweating establishments were found at 38 Attorney street, 93 Christie streetand 162 DivisiĆ³n street. This was in November last. Isaac Mullen, a state inspector of factories in Massachusetts, had been sent to New York to examine the system. He testifled that at 97 Reade street buckets of slops were standing about and the rooms were crowded witli people. At 88 Reade street the operatives were Poles, who received6 cents for making a pair of pantaloons. The goods wore shipped direct f rom the big clothing houses ia Boston.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Child Labor
Boston MA