The Art Loan In May
A large and enthusiastic meeting of representative women of the city and university,was held in the chapel, last Monday evening. The plans for the Art Loan Exhibition were quite fully discussed, and the date set for opening is May i5th, to continue two weeks. The following are the officers and executive committee, the officers to be included in the executive committee : President, Mrs. W. S. Perry: first vice president, Mrs. A. B. Preseott; second vice president, Mrs. Christian Mack; secretary, Miss Anna Congdon; treasurer, Mrs. Philip Bach. Executive committee, Mrs. J. B. AngelĂ, Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge, Mrs. J. N. Martin, Mrs. Galey Brown, Mrs. J. E. Beal, Mrs. A. B. Stevens, Mrs. W. H. Pettee, Miss Lillian Johnson, Miss Fanny Ilurd.
Art & Artists
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mrs. W. S. Perry
Mrs. A. B. Prescott
Mrs. Christian Mack
Anna Congdon
Mrs. Philip Bach
Mrs. James B. Angell
Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge
Mrs. J. N. Martin
Mrs. Galey Brown
Mrs. J. E. Beal
Mrs. A. B. Stevens
Mrs. W. H. Pettee
Lillian Johnson
Fanny Hurd