Council Proceedings

LOFFICIAL.] COUNCIL Chambkb, April 6, 1891. Regular meeting. Called to order by President Howlett. No quorum being present the council was adjourned until Tuesday evening, April 7th, at 7:30. Jas. R. Bach, Clerk. COUNCIL, Chamber, April 7, 1891. Adjourned regular meeting. Called to order by President Howlett. Roll cali. Present - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett. Absent - Aid. O'Mara, Miller, Spafford, Taylor. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - I hereby tender my resignation as alderman of the Fourth ward of said city of Ann Arbor. W. J. Miller. Dated April 4, 1891. Aid. Mann moved that the resignation be accepted. Carried. To the Common Council: Yourcommittee on Finance would respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT PCND. A. A. T. H. Electric Co., lights 590 90 A. A. Argus. Printing 48 85 Orlando Lathrop, Juror 50 Carlis HUI. juror 60 Rdward Claucy, jnror 50 John Hoss juror 50 Adam D. Seyler, juror 50 Lewis Stevens, juror 50 Miss ShiuH'ord, copying 6 00 Richmund, BackusCo. aupplies 5 50 C.H Manly. service and expense 43 70 Tel & Tel. Const. Co., Phone 37 50 J. 11. Bach, salary 66 66 T. D. Kearney, salary 25 00 H. V'ilmot, posting 2 50 Jacob H. Stark, salary 3 UO $832 61 FIRE DEPAKTMENT FÜND. MosesSeabolt, expense to Detroit 5 20 Fred Sipley. expense to Detroit 7 70 A, G. Schmidt, suppliea 3 65 Fred Sipley, ealary 60 (10 Hisoock & Wood, coal - -- 6 75 John Ross, feed 4 85 Geo. Hertier, hose 175 00 William Carroll. salary 40 00 C. A. Kdwards, salary 40 00 L.Hoelzle, salary 40 00 H. McLaren, salary 40 00 F. Campion, salary 40 00 Samuel McLaren, salary 8 00 Herman Kim, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Kobert Hoss. salary 8 00 Victor Schneider, salary 8 00 3. W. Hobison, Sponges 8 59 Bach, Abel & Co., supplies 6 59 516 33 POOR FUND. E O. Lyke, wood $ 21 00 H.J. Brown, poor orders 75 Doty & Feiner, poororders 3 50 E. Duffy, poor orders 2 76 John Goetz & Son, poor orders 9 9!) John Goetz, Jr.poor orders 2 29 L. Grnner, poor orders 3 30 E. li. Hall, poor orders 3 15 G. Hoefer, poor orders 1 18 O. M. Martin, poor orders - 15 00 W. F. Lodholz, poor orders 18 6U W.H. Mclntyre, poor orders 12 70 Rinsey &Seabolt, poororders 9 63 C. Rinsey, poor orders 7 06 F. Stem, poororders 1 09 J. Werner. poor orders 2 33 Warner & Son, poor orders 9 80 Mrs. Evans, poor aid 6 00 Miss Shaw, poor aid 3 00 $ 133 13 PÓLICE FÜND. Adam Francisco, burying dog 60 James Murray, salary 65 00 Clarence Tice, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 $ 165 50 STREET FUND. Geo. Collin, cement 3 20 Michael Williams, labor 10 95 Daniel Crawford. labor 5 40 Valentine Stiller, labor 3 45 Wm. Nimps, labor 8 25 Morgan O Brien, labor 1 50 John Stoll, labor 3 60 Joseph Hutzel, labor 9 45 John Finneïan, repairs 6 50 George Schlimmer. labor 3 00 Abraham Voorhies, labor 3 50 John Karl, labor 4 50 Michael Kleis, labor 150 John Manning, labor 6 00 Spencer Sweet, labor 6 00 Patrick Mulligan, labor 3 00 Richard Burns, labor 1 50 J. A.Herbert, labor 150 Henry Marsh, labor 6 00 Charles Radke, labor 22 2fl M. B. Murphy, labor 25 38 Michael Heary. labor 8 40 Michael Hession, labor 18 30 Will C. Jacobus, bridge 22 50 Willis Clark, labor 8 70 J. M. Haupt, labor 1-95 Albert Glassnapp, labor 75 Antón Schaibler, labor 1 75 K. J. Rogers, repairs 75 Joseph Clay, labor 4 50 John Baumgartner, labor i 6 75 James Donnegan, repairs 66 John Burns. labor 9 75 Smith Motley, salary 50 00 Nelson Sutherland, salary 66 66 $ 337 79 RECAPITULATION Contingent $ 832 61 Fire Department 516 88 Poor 133 13 Pólice 165 50 Street 337 79 Total.... $1,985 36 Respectfully Submitted, Christian Martin, Finance Committee. Aid. A. F. Martin moved that the report of the finance committee be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Manu, Martin, Herz, Snow, A. F. Martin, President Howlett. Nays - None. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. CONTINGENT FÜND. I', II. Belfer. juror 2 2" Wüliam Dleterle, ballot boxes 80 (0 F. A. Howlett, services and expenses ■!.'! 4u C. H. Manly. services and expenses 11 SO T. D. Kearney. services and expenses W TIRE DEI'AHTMKNT FUXD. W. E. Walker, expense to Detroit 3 00 Wüliam llera, paperlng 13 BI Respectfully submitted, Christian Martix, Finance Committee. Aid. Snow moved that thesupplementary report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett. Nays - None. ' The reports of the city treasurer, clerk, marshal and superintendents of poor were received and placed on file. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That when we adjourn it be to meet in adjourned session on Thursday evening next at 7:3op. m. Carried. Council then adjourned.
Ann Arbor City Council
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Frederick A. Howlett
James R. Bach
W. J. Miller
Orlando Lathrop
Charles Hill
Edward Clancy
John Ross
Adam D. Seyler
Lewis Stevens
Thomas D. Kearney
H. C. Wilmot
Jacob H. Stark
Moses Seabolt
Fred Sipley
A. G. Schmidt
George Hertler
William Carroll
C. A. Edwards
Samuel McLaren
Herman Kirn
Morgan Williams
Robert Ross
Victor Schneider
E. O. Lyke
H. J. Brown
Edward Duffy
John Goetz
L. Gruner
E. B. Hall
O. M. Martin
W. F. Lodholz
W. H. McIntyre
Adam Francisco
James Murray
Clarence Tice
David Collins
George Collins
Michael Williams
Daniel Crawford
Valentine Stiller
William Nimps
Morgan O'Brien
John Stoll
Joseph Hutzel
John Finnegan
George Schlimmer