Generous Forbearance

Our old friend E. J. Smith, of the Adrián Press, has just been elected Justice of the Peace in Adrián by a flattering majority. On emerging from the heat of the catnpaign he says: "The editor desires to return thanks to his friends, the enemy, for their generous forbearance during his recent 'exciting' canvass. He was referred to as 'the lank haired skeleton from Wonderland' only 16 times; 'spider-legged dude' n times; 'dyspeptic little chump' 10 times; 'court columbine' i time; 'blooming idiot' 1,000,000 times, 'judicial three cent piece with a hole in it' 2 times; 'owl of the press' 18 times; 'sliver' several times; 'lúnkhead' 1,100 times; 'harlequin of justice' 5 times; 'law lilliputian' 4 times; 'democratie soup bone' 7 times. He was jostled against a coal cart only once, on election day; stepped on at the polls 14 times and hit in the ear with a rotten lemon in but a single instance. This shows that politics is not what they once were, and that personal attacks on candidates are dying out, and a man may run for office and be elected on pure principie and the irridescent issues of the hour. Gentlemen, we thank you!"
Adrian Press
Elections - City
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
E. J. Smith