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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIA!.] COUNCIL Chambeb, April 9, 1891. Adjourned meeting. Called to order by President Howlett. Roll cali. Present, Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett - 10. Absent, Aid. Dieterle - i. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. To the Comnion Council: Your committee on Finance would respectf ully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FÜND. JohnE. Miner, reg. and election 12 50 E. G. Mann, reg. and election 12 60 Wm. G. Dieterle, reg. and election 10 00 W. W. Watts, cierk eleetion 5 OU Lewie Goodricb, clerk election 5 00 Martin Clark, gate keeper 3 00 Thomas Taylor, ate keeper , . 3 00 Eugene Oesterlin, reg-. and election ... lo 00 William Horz, reg. and election 13 50 Christian Martin, rog. and election. -L_ la 60 A. C. Sehumacher, cierk eiection 5 0i Geo. B Schwab, clerk election 5 00 Christian Brenner, gate keeper 2 00 IVed Gaokle, gate keeper i UO James Kearns, reg. and eleotion 12 60 G. W. Snow. reg. and election 12 60 W. E. Walker, reg. and election 10 00 John J. Robi6on, clerk eleetion 6 00 Austin Maguire, clerk election 5 00 Ed. Come, gate keeper 2 00 Hasenburger, gate keeper 2 00 Ambroee Kearney. reg. and eleotion . . 12 50 ff. J. Miller, reg. and electian 7 50 JohnO'Mara, reg. and election 10 00 Frank O'Hearn, ref. and election 5 00 Henry Frank, 7 dinners, let ward 3 50 " " 7 dinners, 3d ward 8 60 7 dinners, 5th ward 4 00 Willlam Frank, meals, 2nd ward 6 50 II. C. Prettyman, meals. 6th ward 3 50 A rlington House, meals, 4th ward 7 00 W.G. Snow, use of rig 3 00 Seward Cramer, clerk of election 5 00 H. R. Dodsley, clerk of election 5 00 Joseph Donley. gate keeper.. 2 Oo Peter Hei thehen, gate keeper 2 00 W.L.Taylor, reg. and election 12 50 0 C. Spafford, reg. and election 12 50 Amos Coroy, reg. and election 12 50 Thomas Godkiu, clerk election 5 0(1 Norman Gatos, clerk election 5 00 J.jhn McNally, gate keeper 2 Ou John Hojian, gate keeper i 00 John liennett, reg and election V! 60 Louis P. Hall, reg. and election 10 00 A. F. Martin, reg. and electioa Vi 50 ( 'iiinning Smith, clerk election f00 James Duffy, clerk election :0 Henry Marsn, gate keeper 2 00 William Hadow,irate keeper 2 i0 W, Fred Schlanderer, use of room, stqve, etc., 12 50 William Herz, room for registration... 5 00 Michael Staeliler, room for eleotion 10 (10 ilarney, room 1 or election lu 09 Martin Halier, use of chairs and tables .50 $ 334 50 Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, Finance Committee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - io. Nays - None. By Alderman Martin: Whereas, A vacaney in the office of slderman of the Fourth ward in the city of Ann Arbor exists, occasioned by the resignation of William J. Miller; therefore, Resolved, And it is hereby ordered, that an election be held on Monday, the 27Ü1 day of April, A. D. 1891, in the Fourth ward, in the city of Ann Arbor, for the purpose of filling such vacancy in the office of alderman for the aforesaid ward. Resolved, That the city clerk be and is hereby ordered and directed to deliver to the inspectors of election of said Fourth ward a certified copy of this resolntion, and also give notice of said election as required by law. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Tayor, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett - 10. Nays - None. A petition of Geo. Frank Allmendinger received setting forth that on information and belief errors were made in the returns made for the office of mayor at the election held April 6th, 1891, in the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth wards of the city, and asking for a recount. Aid. A. F. Martin moved that the petition be granted. Aid. O'Mara moved as a substitute, that the petition be laid on the table. Carried. Mr. Sawyer was granted the floor to make a statement in regard to the petition. Mr. Whitman made a statement, in behalf of Mr. Doty. Aid. Martin moved that we proceed to á canvass of the votes as provided in section 26 of the city charter. Crrried. v "é L L Ï3 fe u '- fc -o f a is í ■S o 'S 5 3 5 3 Ü 8 2 o S .2 I f= ai H fe h m H For Mayor. WilliamG. Doty. 163 233 184 1G7 102 71 920 Gco. F. Allmendinger 260 124 1B4 121 71 178 918 Doty's plur'y '. 2 For President of Couneii. M. E. Cooley 18!) 259 174 183 95 119 1015 K. Spokes 232 98 172 100 ïft 118 799 J. G. Palmer 16 1 6 7 2 11 43 Cooley'splu 216 For City Clerk. Wm. J.Miller.... 172 243 173 147 93 99 927 D.J. O'Keefe.... 247 114 174 139 81 188 893 H. C. Markkam.. 15 1 6 4 2 11 39 Miller's plu'y 34 For Assessor. Patrick O'Hearn 415 354 345 283 174 2371808 E. B. Lewis 16 2 6 7 3 12 45 O'Hearn'splu 1763 For Jwtiee of the Peace. Charles H. Kline 121 151 211 165 98 52 798 Elihu B. Pond... J2 193 131 120 72 188 996 J.H. Warner 16 2 6 6 2 9 41 Pond's plu'y 198 FIRST WARD. For Supervisor: John R. Miner 267 Albert Gardner 149 Chas. Boylan 14 Miner's plurality 118 For Alderman: Leyi D. Wines 246 John V. Sheehan 172 William Salyer 15 Wines' plurality 74 For Constable. James A. Herbert 255 Albert W. Sorg 163 Herbert's plurality 92 SECOND WARD. For Supervisor: Eugene Oesterlin 204 John Krause 132 Geo. M. Henion '. . . . 13 Oesterlin's plurality 72 For Alderman; Christian Martin 288 Adna D. Markham 63 Frederick Weinberg 2 Martin's plurality 225 For Constable: Paul Schall 254 Frederick Weinberg 13 t Schall's plurality 241 THIRD VVHRD. For Supervisor: James Kearns 202 James. R. Sage 144 William Copeland 6 Kearns' plurality 58 For Alderman: Wm. G. Snow, (long term). . 166 Ariel H. Fillmore 167 Fillmore's plurality 1 George D. Allmendinger. . . . 172 William Clancy 167 Allmendinger's plurality. . 5 William Copeland 8 George Colgrove 6 Robert A. Winslow 5 For Constable: George W. Brown. 188 August Backhaus 146 William Mack , 16 Frederick Esslinger 1 Brown 's plurality 42 FOURTH WARD. For Supervisor: John Baumgardner 172 Giles Lee 108 Isaac T. Dunn 7 Baumgardner's plurality . . 64 For Alderman: Daniel J. Ross 117 Alvah P. Ferguson 143 Daniel Strickler 11 Daniel Strickland 16 Ferguson's plurality 26 For Constable: Thomas F. Leonard 167 John D. Boylan 23 Leonard's plurality 144 FIFTH WARD. For Supervisor: , Thomas J. Speechly 103 Amos Corey 69 NelSbn Rogers 2 Speechly's plurality 34 For Alderman: Spencer D. Lennon 85 Ernest Rehberg 88 Elliott Williams 2 Rehberg's plurality 3 For Constable: Daniel S. Millen 68 Rudolph Kern 102 William Graves 2 Kern's plurality 34 SIXTH WARD. For Supervisor: John W. Bennett 170 Hudson T. Morton : 66 Peter D. Woodruff 12 Bennett's plurality 104 For Alderman: Arthur J. Kitson 163 William D. Harriman 82 Horace T . Purfield ï Kitson's plurality 81 For Constable: Henry Marsh 175 Charles Sedgwick 62 Henry T. Purfield 10 Marsh's plurality 113 By Aid. JVIann: Whereas, the returns of the municipal election, held in the city of Ann Arbor on the 6th of April, A. D. 1891, as certified by the several ward canvassing boards of said city, show that William G. Doty received a plurality of the votes cast at said election for mayor of said city, Mortimer E. Cooley, for president of the council of said city, William J. Miller for city clerk of said city, Patrick O'Hearn for city assessor of said city and Elihu B. Pond for justice of the peace of said city: Therefore be it resolved by the common council that the above named gentlemen be and are declared duly electetd to said offices respectively. Yeas - Aid. Mann Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin: Whereas, The returns of the city election held on Monday April 6, 1891, as certified by the several ward boards of canvassers show that the following ward candidates received a plurality of the notes cast in their respective wards at said election : First ward, for supervisor, John R. Miner. First ward, for alderman, Levi D. Wines. Second ward, for supervisor, Eugene Oesterlin. Second ward, for alderman, Christian Martin. -Third ward, for supervisor, James Kearns. Third ward, for alderman (long term), Ariel H. Filmore. Third ward, for alderman, (short term), Geo. D. Allmendinger. Fourth ward, for supervisor, John Baumgardner. Fourth ward, for alderman, A. P. Ferguson. Fifth ward, for supervisor, Thomas Speechly. Fifth ward, "for 'alderman, Ernest Rehberg. Sixth ward, for supervisor, John W. Bennett. Sixth ward, for alderman, Arthur Kitson. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the foregoing named gentlemen be declared duly elected to said offices respectively. Yeas - Alds. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett - 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Hall : Resolved, That thanks be extended to President Howlett and Clerk Bach for the courteous manner in which they have performed their duties during the past year. Carried. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the clerk be and is hereby ordered and directed to procure a gold dollar and have the same suitably inscribed, and present the same to Charles H. Manly, as his salary, for the last year, as mayor. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, President Howlett - 10. Nays - None. Council then adjourned sine die.