Charles P. Stone is visiting in Kalamazoo. Judge Kinne has gone to Monroe to hold court. J. C. Watts returned to East Saginaw yesterday. Mrs. M. H. Southard was in Detroit, yesterday. Prof. and Mrs. W. H. Pettee are visiting in New York. Miss Mary E. Dickey is visiting her mother in Marshall. Walter Mack returned from New York city Saturday evening. Mrs. W. H. Ryder, of Andover Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Tripp. James Nelson returned Friday evening from a weeks visit in Monroe. Mrs. Calvin Thomas has returned from a visit to her former home in Grand Rapids. Miss Bessie Woolsey, of Detroit, was the guest of Miss Mary Rominger, of Detroit, over Sunday. Mrs. Duane Doty, of Pullman, 111., visited at F. F. Huson's, last week. Editor Chilson, of the Lansing State Republican, was in the city, yesterday. Mrs. August Hutzel, Miss Charlotte Hutzel and Miss Mary Rominger left last evening for Stuttgart, Germany. Miss Lucy Colé left last evening for Dresden, Germany, to complete her musical studies. She will be absent until September. Mrs. Felton of Steelton Penn., nee Alice Bent, of this city, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Tomlinson of North State St.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles P. Stone
J. C. Watts
Mrs. M. H. Southard
W. H. Pettee
Mrs. W. H. Pettee
Mary E. Dickey
Walter Mack
Mrs. W. H. Ryder
James Nelson
Mrs. Calvin Thomas
Bessie Woolsey
Mary Rominger
Mrs. Duane Doty
F. F. Huson
Mrs. August Hutzel
Charlotte Hutzel
Lucy Cole
Alice Bent Fenton