The Ladies' Library Association

At the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association, officers and members of the board were elected as follows: President, Miss Kate Hale. Vice President, Mrs. A. B. Palmer. Secretary, Miss MinnieRichmond. Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Jaycox. Members of the Board of Directors, Mrs. Geo. S. Morris, Mrs. Wm. Waldron, Mrs. Philip Bach, Miss Minnie Richmond, Mrs. A. B. Prescott, Miss Kate Hale. Mrs. J. M. Wheeler having positively declined to serve as president, was unanimously elected honorary member of the board. The following Rules and Regulations were adopted : 1. The fee for membership to the Ladies' Library Association is one dollar, and no other money paid into the treasury shall stand in lieu of the membership fee. 2. Members of the association may not draw books after their membership has expired, until said membership is renewed. Any member of the asseciation may draw one book from the library, and may retain the same two weeks, and may also take one magazine which must be returned in one week. For failure to observe these regulations a fine of ten (10) cents per week must be paid, and no member is entitled to draw another book or magazine until such fines are paid and the book and magazine returned. 4. Any member may draw one extra book by paying ten cents (10), subject to the same regulations as above. 5. Books may be drawn from the library only on Saturday, at the regular hours. 6. The memberships of the association are not transferable. The treasurer reported for the year closing April 13, 1891 : Receipts for the year $648 38 Disbursements 561 40 Cash balance 86 98 Debt on building reduced from $2,600 in 1885 to $900 in 1891. CA. Taycox, Treas. The librarian's report is as follows: Number of books added during the year 107 Number of books in the library 3041 Number of books and magazines bound 58 Number of books circulated during the year 3450 Number of books worn out and removed 19 Six magazines are taken by the association, viz. : Science, Century, Atlantic, Harper's Monthly, St. Nicholas, Littell's Living Age. The number of new members is 24 The number of life members on ledger 13 Total number of names enrolled 122 Secretary L. L. A.