The Ladies' Aid Society met a Mrs. W. B. Shermans. Born, April 8th, to Edwin Dixon and wife, an 8)4 pound son. Dan Wright has moved into Anz low Snodgrass' house on the count; line. Justice Rust married Martin Gott and Harriet Elliott, both of Augusta April 1 1 . LeRoy Butts is improving hi place by putting a new fence in the front. Mrs. Geo. Quirk and daughter of Belleville, visited at Willis las Saturday. At Augusta, April i2th, by Jus tice Rust, Charles E. Sherman, o Sumpter, and Miss Nellie E. Pelton of Willis, were married. Willis is still growing. H. A Butler already has the frame of his house up and work will be pushec as fast as the weather will permit until it is completed. An entertainment will be given at the brick schoolhouse on Saturday night. of this week, by the little folks, superintended by Mrs. Fenn, the proceeds to go to buy furniture for the new M. E. church. Married, in Sumpter, April 9th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. Rose, Jay Dickerson and Miss Louise Freeman, both of Sumpter. About 75 were present, but owing to the weather, many who were invited were unable to attend. The presents were numerous and useful as well as costly. The happy couple started the next day for Albion to visit a few days, when they will return and make their future home in Sumpter.