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Woes Of The West

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Kansas City, April 15.- At noem yes terday the first westera commercial con gress was called to order iu Coates' opera house, in this city, with delegates presen from twenty-flve states- western and southern - and (.erritories. The states represented were California, Washington Jdaho, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming Montana, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Alu souri, Minnesota, WiBConsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Alississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Texas, and Oklahotna. The delegations are composed mainly of business men appoiuted by the goveruors of the various states, with a fair proportion of scerubers of legislatures. A Snggestive Incident. A su;:estive incident of the opening oi the cogrss was tliat when Joba C. Wicklitle, oue of the leaders of the mob that massacred the Italiana at New Orleans, wus seen on the platform, he was greeted witli vigorous applause. State Senator Kelly, oí Kausas, called the sonention to order, and in the te:nporary urganizatiou Kelly was ehosea chairman. Hedehvered a long address of acceptance, and laid all tha blame for agricultural depressiou upon a too small circulating madium. As a relief, he suggested the frea coinage of silver; the raising of silver money to the Standard of gold. Governor i'raucid JHakes a Speech. Governor Francis, oL Missouri, then welcomed the delegates. He referred to the depression in agriculture, and said that different causes were assigned thereior, but whateyer the cause the depression existed, and a remedy was necessary. Heretofore federal legislation haJ been in tho interests of the east. Congress had been favorable to the creditor class, and the west was a heavy debtor. It was necessary now for the west to stand together, and there were mauy things that the west desired, in the advocacy of which it should be unanimous, earnest and persistent. The west wantod free trade with Mexico, Canada and South America and with all the countries of the world. The west wanted the Mississippi connected with the great lakes. It wanted iinproved waterways. It wanted an international railway, so that oue could step on a vestibule train at Kansas City and step off it at Buenos Ayres. It wanted a fuller volume of curreucy. Permanent Organization. After a few more speeches recess was taken to 3 p. m., when there was some trouble with tlie credentials, which was finally smoothed over, and the permanent organization committee reported the following officers, who were duly elected: Chairman, Governor D. R. Francis, of Missouri; secretary. John W. Springer, of Illinois; vice presidents, one from eacb state. Francis took the chair and inade a sbort speech, and then letters were read from gentlemen who had been invited to attend but could not accept the invitation.