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TOUR MONET, OR TOUR LIFE ! This question ís a "pert" one, but v-e mean it. Will you sacrifice % few paltry dollars, and save your life? or will you allow your blood to become tainted, and j'our system ruu-down, until, finally, you are laid away in the grave? Better be in time, and "hold up" your hands for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a guaranteed reraedy for all scrofulous and other blood-taints, from whatevei causo arising. It cures ali Skin and Scalp Diseases, Ulcers, Sores, Swellin;s and kiudred ailments. It is powerfully tonic as well as alterative, or blood-cleansing, in its eSects, henee it strengthens the system and restores vitality, thereby dispelling all those languid, "tired feelings" experienced by the debilitated. Especially has it mauifested its poteney in curing Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Makers, No. 663 Main Street, Bufialo, N. Y. KEPOKT OF THE OONDITIOÏf OF THE ÏÏMÏÏ & MIK W - AT- 1NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of business, Octobeb 2nd, 1690. RESOURCES. fioans and discounts $21?,;08 38 Stocks, honds, inortgages, etc 75,881 18 Overdrafts _.v 2,073 il Dne from banks n ressrve oilieB 25,079 Í3 Due ft'om Washieuaw Co 17,5 iö Al nülsin troDpit 2,91875 Furniture and üxlures 8,0C0 OU Curient expenses and taxes paid 961 52 Inieivst pttid 1,190 '26 ?hecks and cash it-jJns H2519 Nickels and penoiea _ 160 0a Gold ..-. G,f.38 4=. Silver 1,267 ia U. S. and Nati'inr.l Bank notes 18,13300 Total $308,317 97 LIAIULITIES. Capital stock puid in $ W,000 CO Surphi funtl._i 10,000 t-0 Qudivided protits ,0482 onimercinl dftp;sits _ 257,224 17 3iYÍDg3 deposits 44,7976 Dne to banks and bankers 847 74 Total $088,917 97 STATE OP MICHIGAN, j Couuty of Vashteuaw. iss' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the above nained bank, do solemuly swear that the above itatement is true to me best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier. Subscribed and swom to hefore me thiseleventh day of October, 1S9Ö. Wm. W. Whedon, Notary Public Correct- Attest : Chas. E. Greene.) Junios E. Beal, VDirectors. Reuben Kempf, J EBER8ACH & SQN. BBUO-O-ISTB AND PHAEMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN Drugrs, oMeciiciiies, Cliern.icals9 Dye Stïiffs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, ïrusses. Etc. PÜRB W1NRS & LlOUtHfiS Special alten t ion paid totnc turnishine of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosonhica! and Chemical Aparatus, Chemical Glassware, Porcelain WTfcre, Pure eapents, etc. Physicianfl' Prescriptions Caret'ullv Prepared a' All hours. W. L. DOUGLAS # % á U V B and other speelalS ífclHiftJsr" ties for Gentlemen, rauted. and so stamped on bottom. Address W. L. DOIJGI-AS, ISrockiou, Mus. Soldby WM. REINHARDT Se CO ARQÜm OR THIEF ís better than the lying scale agent who tells you as gospel truth that the JONES' $60 5 TON WAGON SCALE is not a standard scale, and equal to any made. For free book and price list, address iones oí Binghamtcn, Binghamton, H.Y. ■UJB I l I"" tf citlxTuex.jouneor oíd, and lu thelr IDn i ownlocalUM,wlirrvvcrthylive.Aiir III VI 1 M a one can do iho woik. Kney to learn. We furnish evcrylliing. WB elmt you. No riak. You ca dovot Tuur sparo momuitis, or all vuur time to the vvork. Tlitu x a enliTclv iitiw l'.Mid ,arnl Urinas w ontlerful imics to uvery worker. Beginners ar wirnTiig from ÍS to $60 por wH and upwardi, and more aCter a lUtle e xpericnce. Wo ttu furniah you the emnloyment aud Uach you KKF.K. No anaco to cplftin licre. FuK luforniatioa ttíMt. TRIE A C'6., ll tílblA, lÚLVK.