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R. E. Jolly is yisiting in Chicago. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle wasin Chicago last week. Mrs. J. D. Stimson has been visiting in Howell. Prof M. W. Harrington spent the vacation in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. John Koch gave a progressive tiddlewinks party last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. H. Eberbach entertained a number of friends, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clarkson very pleasantly entertained a few friends, Thursday evening. ■ Rev. and Mrs. Fred Volz, who visited Mrs. Sophie Spring last week, returned to Saginaw, Saturday. Mrs. Julia Pitkin returned Friday from Petrolia, Ontario, where she had spent the winter with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Rinsey were surprised by a party of friends on the evening of Mrs. Rinsey's birthday last week. County Treasurer Gustave Brehm returned yesterday from Lansing, where he had been to attend the funeral of an uncle. Miss Clellie Anderson, who has been in Terre Haute, Ind., for the past year, came home Saturday for a month's vacation. A. L. Noble, J. T. Jacobs and J. E. Beal left yesterday to attend the national convention of republican clubs in Cincinnati. Hon. Charles R. Whitman was called to New York city Friday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his son with diphtheria. Sad news of the death of Miss Sabrá Herrón, of South Lyon, has just been received. She died Sunday morning. The funeral services were held at her hofcie at half past ten this morning.