Council Proceedings
LofficiaIj.] Council Chambeb, April 20, 1891. The common council met and was called to order by the president. Roll called, a quorum present. Absent without leave: Aid. Allmendinger. Aid. Mann moved that we proceed to business under the oíd rules, for this meeting. Carried. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfully make the following recommendations and ask for the following appropriations: That a sidewalk be ordered built in front of the following property: O. L. Matthews, on Maynard and Jefferson streets; Frank J. Lewis, on Jefferson street; Gott estáte, on Jefferson street; C. Hurd, on Washtenaw avenue. By order of the Board of Public Works. Received and placed on file. Aid. Mann moved that the communication from the Board of Public Works be laid on the table. Carried. A petition signed by Noah Cheever, Leonard Gruner and E. Treadwell, asking for permission to erect two wooden dwelling houses fronting on Main street and in the fire limits of the city, was received and placed on file. A petition signed by sixteen residents of the third ward, inthe city of Ann Arbor; asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the south side of Miller avenue from Main street to Seventh, or to the present city limits. Also cross-walks on First and Chapín streets at their intersection with the south side of Miller avenue. Received and referred to the sidewalk committee. A petition signed by the school board and eleven residents and property owners of the sixth ward, in the city of Ann Arbor; asking for the extensión of the water mains from the intersection of Washtenaw avenue and Hill street west on Hill street to Forest avenue and the placing of a fire hydrant thereon. Received and referred to the Water Committee. The president stated that owing to the vacancy in the fourth ward he was unable to appoint his committees. To the Common Council : Gkntlemen: - The petition from citizens asking that a street railway line be ordered laid from Washtenaw avenue on Geddes avenue to Elm street, south on Elm street to South University avenue, to State street, and referred to your honorable body by said company. We have had the matter under consideration and have decided to build the same and would respectfully ask that your honorable body grant us a franchise for the same. Hudson T. Morton. Secretary. Aid. Mann moved that the comnunication be laid on the table. Darried. By Aid. Herz: Resolved, That Messrs. Gruner, Zheever and Treadwell be granted :he privilege to erect two frame iwellings on the corner of Main and William streets, known as the old Maynard homestead. Pending which Alderman Hall noved that the whole matter be re:erred to the fire commissioners with iirection to investígate and report it the next meeting. Yeas - Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, Ferguson,Taylor,Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 10. Nays - Aid. Mann - i. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, of which the President shall be chairman, to draft suitable rules for the actions af this committee for the coming year. Carried. Committee, Pres. Cooley, Aid. Martin, Wines. Aid. Mann moved that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet Monday, April 27th, at 7.30 p. m. Carried. By Aid. Mann: Resolved, That bids be received for the printing of the official proceedings of the Council and the Board of Public Works for the following year. Bids to be received between ten and eleven o'clock a. m., on the 25th day of April. Printing to be done according to the specifi-' cations of the committee appointed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, President Cooley. Nays - None. Committee, Aid. Mann, Taylor, Hall. President appointed bond committee, Aid. Herz, Mann, Hall and city attorney. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the amount of the liquor bond be fixed at three thousand dollars. Carried. Council then adjourned. Clerk.