Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works

LOFFICIAL.l Office of Board of Public Wokks. I April 22, 1891. f Regular meeting. Called to order by President Keech. Rollcall. Present, Hutzel, Schuh, Keech. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mr. Hutzel moved that the Clerk notify H. E. Riggs, chief engineer of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co. that our City Engineer and Board of Public Works would like to consult the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. officials in regard to plans for crossing N. Main street. Yeas - Hutzel, Schuh, Keech. Street Commissioner Sutherland recommended that the following sidewalks be ordered built in front of the following properties: Wooster W. Beaman, Fifth avenue; Charles Richmond, on Jeffersonstreet; Chas. 3t. Clair, on Fourth avenue; M. C. Goodrich, on Fourth avenue; P. Martin, on Fourth avenue; Estáte of Miss Emma Andrews, corner Williams and May nard streets: M. R. Culver, on South Maynard street; Mrs. Nickels, on Maynard street; Ed. Clancy, jr., corner Williams and Maynard streets; John N. Bailey, on South División; Mrs. Louise H. Sacket, corner State and Huron; Mrs. Bower, on Spring street; Psi Upsilon Fraternity, corner South University avenue and State street. Mr. Keech moved that we recommend and ask the Common Council to order sidewalks built as recommended by Street Commissioner. Yeas - Hutzel, Schuh, Keech. Mr. Hutzel moved that the Street Commissioner take necessary steps to build sidewalks on the east side of First street, from Liberty to W. Jefferson street. Yeas - Schuh, Hutzel, Keech. The Street Commissioner's weekly report was accepted and the amounts audited to the Council. Board then adiourned. City Clerk.