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Mrs. Hale is on the sick list. A. Berdan, of Saline, was in town last Monday. ' All those that have been having the grip are on the gain. A social will be held at the Methodist church Friday eve., April 24th. The Reese Bros. have rented the Hathaway farm just west of Mooreville. James Seeley, of Ypsilanti, was out to his farm last week on business. Claude Bronner has gone to Pontiac to visit his sister, Mrs. Belger. A. R. Draper and squire Goldsmith went to Monroe last week Thursday, after fish. Mrs.Will East, of AVexford county, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Reese, and other relatives and friends. Charley Lane will have to hustlc around a little livelier than ever this summer as, April i8th, he took another boarder; it is a boy. A. G. Mclntyre will finish sawing in his woods this week, and will then remove his mili down in the township of Milan in the Bear swamp. Mrs. Frank Holcomb has been paying particular attention to a lame arm for the past week. It was caused by taking cold in a burn on her wrist. Mr. Easlik. of Lake Ridge, and Monmouth Miller, of Mooreville, have taken a job of building a barn within seven miles of Monroe, and left Monday morning to commence work.