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John Kempf is setting out 800 peach trees. A valuable horse belonging to Geo. Sperry died of grippe. Born, April 13, to Mr. and Mrsl Samuel A. Morgan, a daughter. Mrs. Lester Warner has been confined to the house with the grippe. Amos Lohr sold $500 vvorth of cattle and sheep to a drover last week. Little Eddie.son of Chas. Kempf, is recovering from a serious attack of lung fever. Cone Sperry and Alfred Mc Omber are taking orders for a post and wire fence which they propose to build for those wishing. The boys are trusty fellows and will probably do well. Daniel Brownell has justreturned from Gratiot county, where he has a farm of 160 acres. He is having a house built on the place and a wire fence around the entire farm. His son-in-láw, "Al" Black, will live on the place. He is also setting out 700 peach trees on his farm in Pittsfield. On the whole he thinks things are booming and money plenty.