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Drs. Fruth

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ïTo Money Eequired of Eeponslble Parties to Comrnence ?ormerly of New York, now the celebrated Examining Physicians and Surgoons of the Fruth Meiical and Surgical lnstiuite, Chicago, 111., by n-quesi of raMny Friends and Patieuts, have decided to visit ANN AliltOU THUESDAY, MAY, 7th, 1891. Consultation and Examination free and striotlyeonfldentittl in the private parlors of 'rs3i: cooz: iiotjse, ONE DAYONLY. D. 0. FRUTH. A. C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examining Physiclan. oy thk Fruth, Medical and Surgical rn.stitu.te. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State' of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic-and Sexual vDiseases, Catarrh, Asthma; Stomach, Kidney, Uladder, Nervmis and Special Deseases of Men umi Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Dlseases positively oured by a. Kidney and Bladder Diseases nover lailiug method. Alióme treatment 1 Brlght's Dlseaee, Diabetn and kindroü mala tirolv lüinrufssanil easlly applied. : .lus rrented and oures effected in tliousandsof tion free and striotly coufldentlal. oases tlmt had been pronounoca beyond hope . Dr Fruth after yeara of exprlenoe haa Prlyatia UloodPoison, Svpyperfceted the most Infalüble method of -curlns illis. Unaorrhoe, Gleot, Strlcture, Hydrooele, Vital drain in Prlue. Nooturnal losses, Veriouceie, Lose oí Sexual l'ower and alldisiniired Memory, Weak Hack. Melanoholy, seasfigofthe gwiito-urinary orrans, speedlly Want of Energy, Premature ic-clino of the and permenen'ly oured. No risks ineurred. ManlyPowera ÍÍ oonsulled lieloro idiocy, 1 Consultmion free and Btriotly confldentiai. saniiv fallins fltH or total itnpotency resulta. Medlcfun som free from observatíon to all These terrible disorders arlsefrom rumous tartsot' the UniiedStmes. practíoesof youth, hllthlng the most radiuut Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affection9 ot hopes, nnttttin' patiënt for study, society, Or the nose, thvoat, [QngB and stomach, bronmarriafc'e. Annually Bweeping to an chilis, aatoma, oonsumptlon and dyspepsia, timely (.nave thonsands ot' younf men of successtully treated by the most recent and brillant intelect and exalted talent. aolentJÜC methods iiiöli a vust hospital exom, .. p,,,.j nrithnnt r'iHn linifp nr periencu has proveil wortliy Of confldence. Piles Cured without . pain, knite or Vn no h.ttcr p.oor ot succes than the cauctrj. testimoniáis on tile at the inutitute, of thouMarriage. Marricd persons orjoimg men sands of helpless cases that we have restored contemplatinfr marriage, aware of physical tohealth and happiness. weaknese, loss of proereathe powers. Frp!(, Examination of the Urine potency, or any other disqualalification. ei-soÍ l "ing or medicíl tratent epeedily restored. should send or Lrini? an ounoe of thelr urine, Epllepsy posltively eured bv our new and which wíll reoetre a careful chemlcal and never failint; Hospital treatment. mlcroscopical examination. WflWflPC PUT PTT15 f? Perf ceted in old casee which have been nesrleetod or 11 nski 1 1 f ully treated. WUilütifti Uli WUftííi No experimente or failures, Parties treated by mail and expresa, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. ËF"Cases and correspondenee confldentiai. Treatmont sent C. O. D. to any part of the U S. List of 130 questions free. Address with poatage. DH. D. O. FKUTH, 89 Bast Madlaoo Street, Chicago, 111, ♦ jj