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Local Brevities

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Who's got the Key? The Kirmess to-night. Arbor day, next Thursday. Election in the Fourth ward Monday. George Gilbert is building a house on Catharine street. George H. Hazelwood will start a billiard hall on State street. Marshal Murray was called on to shoot a vicious dog Wednesday. Germania Lodge, D. O. H., has just received a handsome new flag. Voters of the Fourth should vote for the democratie candidate, Monday. The street commissioner has been putting the streets in good condition. W. W. Bliss has moved into his handsome new house on William street. The Knights Templar give their second Denver social next Monday evëning. Rev. Dr. Breed, of Chicago, speaks in University hall, Sunday evening. A good many fruit trees and grape vines are being planted in Freedom this year. Alderman Walter Taylor will build a fine residence on Broadway, this season. The new cars for the street railway are expected the middle of next month. Ernest Ellsaesser, of Dexter, has just set out 1,000 grape vines and 500 pear trees. The Western brewery put in a very large new copper kettle and boiler Tuesday. It is reported that Mr. Nowlin, who has purchased the Cook house, will run it himself. Who's got the Key? Alderman Christian Martin and wife celebrated their tin wedding on Friday evening of last week. Dr. Heneage Gibbes delivered the annual address before the Philadelphia Pathological Society yesterday. Rev. Wallace Radcliff lectures on the New England Primer in the Presbyterian church, next Sunday morning. The U. of M. Daily comes out in forenoons now. It is as good a college daily as can be found in the country. , Ypsilanti's Doe. Collins was given thirty days in jail "pounding stone" by Justice Bogardus. He is now serving his time. Ann Arbor lodge, No. 320, I. O. G. T., will hold a box social in their hall, over J. T. Jacob's store, Monday evening. Mrs. Annie Cullinene was arrested Tuesday evening for drunkenness by patrolman Collins. She was given ten days in jail. Prof. Spaulding and Librarian Davis speak this evening upon Oxford, its Universities and its Libraries, at the Baptist church. Assistant Inspector, E. E. Hallett, of Ann Arbor, inspected Edward P. Allen Camp, S. of V., of Milan, last Tuesday evening. Benjamin De Pue, of Superior, died last Monday of paralysis, aged seventy-nine years. He had long been a resident of the county. Who's got the Key? Fred Bagley, a Detroit brakeman', had his hand injured while coupling cars on the Central, Tuesday. Dr. Breakey amputated his thumb. The Misses Fletcher, of South Fifth avenue, have received $208 insurance on their house for the dam age caused by fire last week Monday. Joseph White, a travelling tinker, was arrested for drunkenness by deputy sheriff Schall, Tuesday night, and Justice Butts presented him with ten days in the stone yard. Fred Vogel, postmaster of Fredonia, was in the city Wedesday. He has secured the agency for a spraying pump and intends to do his share towards eradicating worms in fruit in Fredom. Who's got the Key? A glance at the council proceedings indicate that Messrs. Gruner, Cheever and Treadwell intend to put up two dwelling houses on the old Maynard property, corner of Main and Williams streets. Fred Gross, a Lima farmer, and an old settler of the township, died Tuesday night. He had been unwell for several days, but had not been confined to his bed, and his death was very sudden. Do not forget the Children's Kirmess at the opera house this evening. Those who have seen the rehearsals say that the dances are the prettiest ever seen in the city. The children are well trained, and do their parts well. Otto Kirchner, of Detroit, lectures on Private Corporations, and Alexis C. Angell, of Detroit, on Constitutional Law, in the law department for the balance of the year. These were the topics of the late Prof. Wells. Who's got the Key? Six postal clerks lost their lives in the railroad collision near Norwalk, Ohio, last Saturday. One of them was a substitute, who was filling the run of Frank Greening, of Lyndon, who was at home to attend the funeral of his father. At the Unity Club, next Monday evening, April 27, Supt. W. S. Perry, of the city schools, will read a paper on "The Public Schools as a School of Moráis." Prof J. G. Pattengill will read a paper on "A Summer Horse-back Ride Through New England." On next Sunday Rev. Father John Ryan, of Howell, will celebrate mass in St. Patrick's church, Northfield, and Rev. L. P. Goldric will conduct the services in the Howell Catholic church. Trinity Sunday, May 24, terminates the time for going to the Easter Communion. Washtenaw county lumed up at the national meeting of the republican clubs in Cincinnati this week. Hon. E. P. Allen was made a membei of the executive committee, J. E. Beal served on the committee on permanent organization and Dr. F. K. Owen on the committee on credentials. The charges of the Detroit House of Correction against Washtenaw county for the quarter ending April i was $153.28. Thirteen different prisoners were included in the report. There were six prisoners in the House of Correction April 1, from this county, as against ffve on January 1. The New York Dry Goods Economist says: "Walter C. Mack, of the old firm of Mack & Schmid, Ann Arbor, Mich., is in this market af ter drives in dry, fancy goods, etc. As a bargain hunter Mr. Mack takes the lead and his friends say that he has no superior in this direction. The firm is doing a large and increasing business." The funeral services for the late Rev. Stephen Klingmann, of the Lutheran church in Scio, were held Tuesday. Over 1,200 persons were present, including nineteen ministers. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Eberhardt, of Saginaw, the president of the Synod, and Rev. Mr. Lederer, of Saline, both preaching eloquent funeral discourses. Rev. Mr. Eberhardt read a memoir of the man who had so endeared himself to the hearts of his people. There will be an interesting entertainment at the Baptist church next Friday night. Professor ding and Librarian Davis will give a talk on Oxford, its universities and libraries. The entertainment will be under the auspices of the Young People's Society and will doubtless be well worth attending. The special fitness of both these gentlemen to talk on these subjects, and the great fame of Oxford's schools and libraries, assure a well spent evening to all who are present. Stereopticon views of the various colleges and the buildings of special historical interest, will be presented. Who's got the Key ? Henry Reno died of apoplexy at his home in Freedom, Tuesday. He started to go out of the house, but turned around and came back remarking that he was not feeling well and sat down in a chair. In a moment or two he said that he feit better, but shortly dropped over dead. He was about seventy years old and was born in Prussia. He had resided in Freedom for many years. His wife, four sons and four married daughters survive him. The funeral services will be held in Bethel church at three o'clock this afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week and Thursday afternoon the boards of the opera house will be occupied by Prof. D. M. Bristol and his school of thirty educated horses. This will be, we aelieve, the Professor's first visit to this city, although he was "born and bred" in this vicinity. He now exhibits what are probably the most remarkable animáis that ever appeared in public and his success has been phenomenal. He is now playing a remarkably successful engagement at the Lyceum Theatre, Detroit, and the press of that city is loud in praise of those equine wonders. Go see the horse show by all means.