Death Of Several Washtenaw Pioneers
Selah B. Collins, one of the three Drothers who fïrst settled the town jf Lyndon, died at the home of his son, Addison C. Collins, April 16, iged seventy-eight years. The three brothers arrived in the township in August, 1833, and at once set about building a log hut. Into this he and his newly wedded wife moved, and his son was the first white child bom in the township. He was the township's second supervisor. Hiram Barton died in Lyndon, April 17, from the effect of an accident which occurred several weeks ago, a limb of a tree falling upon his skull and crushing it, as already noted in our columns. The Stockbridge Sunsays: "Deceased was one of a pair of twins, and was well known to the people of Lyndon. He and his twin brother, Harvey, went west and underwent the hardships of a miners's life for several years and returned to their former home a couple of years ago and both ried and settled in life,. with hopes of a long career. He leaves a wife and aged parents, brothers and sisters and many friends to mourn his untimely departure. His funeral was largely attended last Simday." Solomon Brown, of Clinton, who has struggled so long and courageously against a mortal disease, succubmed to the inevitable on Friday evening last. He has been failing constantly for the past fortnight and his death had been constantly expected for two or three days. Mr. Brown was án oíd resident of Clinton and vicinity. He was born in Monroe county, N. Y., July 22, 1824, being the oldest son of K. N. Brown. He carne to Bridgewater with his parents more than fifty years ago, since which time he has been a resident, first of that town ship but for more than twenty years past, ofClinton. He operated the Bridgewater mili forsix years and was engaged in the hardware busines in Clinton for six years. For several years past he has represented a number of the leading insurance companies. He has held the office of justice of the peace for a long time and the,fact that nearly all the business appertaining to that office has been done in his court testifies to the cofidence which the community has in his good judgment, fairness and eqnity. He also did most of the conveyancing and notarial business which was done in this vicitity. These with various other official and private business duties made his life a busy one and a useful one] and he will be greatly missed from his well known office on Chicago street. He has held the village presidenoy for several terms. Mr. Brown leaves five children, Calista, Frank E., Lou A., and Carrie, the last befng the wife of J. L. Kishpaugh His first wife died in 1879; his second wife survives him. - Tecumseh News.