City And County
Ypsilanti spent $1,048.81 in caring for their city poor, last year. Thirteen persons have just joined the South Lyon Presbyterian church. Frank Staffan has been appointed highway commissioner in Chelsea. The S. W. Farmers' Club meets next Friday at Frank Spafford's in Manchester. The editor of the Chelsea Standard had asparagus from his own garden last week. The Congregational church in Chelsea wil! have a new organ to cost about $500. Our subscribers at Waterloo will rejoice over the fact that that place now has a daily mail. Seneca Marble, a veteran of the war, died in Ypsilanti last Thursday night, aged sixty years. Burglars broke into the postoffice at Waterloo, lest week, and got #10 in money besides some dry goods. Oscar Binnshas just presented the Manchester Enterprise with a parsnip, four feet and nine inches long. The new M. E. church in Willis will be dedicated next Sunday, services commencing at half-past ten o'clock. There will be a meeting of the Pomological society on Saturday evening, May 2, in tb.eir room in the court house. Five dollars were stolen from the till of McElcheran & McAndrew, in Ypsilanti, last Friday morning at about ten o'clock. Fred Buil is servin'g thirty days in jail for drunkenness. He had two beer glasses and a stone in his pockets when arrested. It is clairaed that two Stockbridge boys killed seventy-five snakes in one day recently. That's the biggest snake story of the season. Michael O'Hara shipped sixteen head of cattle, which he had purchased of John Schleh, from Saline last Thursday. The cattle weighed 21,600 pounds. Rev. Dr. Breed, of Chicago, gave a very eloquent discourse in University hall Sunday evening on the ministry for students. A very large audience was present. Ada, the five-year old daughter í Mr. and Mrs. William Waenger, of the third ward, died Saturday evening, of brain fever. Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. S. L. Champlain, of Ypsifenti, died at two o'clock Sunday, aged sixty-five. She had resided in YPsflanti for twenty-five years. A husband and son survive her. Mrs. Harrison Fairchilds, of Ypsilanti died Sunday evening of la S"Ppe, aged fifty-two years. She w born in this county. She leaves a husband and one daughter. The Peake Sisters will be given by the King's Daughters at the Congregational Church next Thursday evening, April 30, at 8 o'clock. Admission, 15 ets.; children, 10 ets. The carpenters' union are holding a meeting every evening this week, and the renowned Brotherhood leader, Mr. Abrams, of Detroit, will be with them the entire week. Staats Green died last Friday at his residence on Fourth avenue, of paralysis, aged fifty-nine years. He was a brother of the late M. M. Green. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon. Robert Martin, the well-known Superior farmer, has just marketed seven head of two-year-old fat cattle weighing over 1,000 each, for which he received 4 cents a pound. M. P. Vogel purchased them. The University base-ball team defeated the Agricultural College team on the fair grounds here Saturday, by a score of 26 to 4. Six hundred spectators enjoyed the game and the home runs of Booth and Wilkinson. Au attempt was made Friday night to burglarize the store of Patriek Donovan in the fifth ward. A window was broken in, and while the thief was working at the inner blinds, a neighboring dog scared him away. J. H. M. Anderson died last Friday at the home of his step-daughter, Mrs. Wm. Merrithew, where he had resided since last August. He formerly owned a farm on the territorial road. He was born in New York, June 5, 1819. There will be a mass meeting tonight, under the áuspices of Carpenters' Union, No. 85, at Armory Hall, at eight o'clock, presided over by Mayor Doty. The meeting will be addressed by W. F. Abrams, of Detroit, and others. At a meeting of the Grand State Council of the American Order of Steam Engineers in Jackson last week, the Ann Arbor council was one of the subordínate councils represented and P. Hunter, of Ann Arbor, was elected chaplain of the grand body. The health officer of Ypsilanti reports during the last year in that city, 9 cases of diphtheria, 11 of scarlet fever, 37 of measles and 5 of typhoid fever with but one death. One hundred and seventy separate and distinct complaints of nuisances have., been made. Jos. Wilson and family have removfid to Pittsfield Junction about six miles south f rom Ann Arbor, near the parents ef Mrs. W. Joe will be greatly missed in Grass Lake, as he is one of the best odd job workmen to be found anywhere. But there is no doubt but that he will be back before many months have flitted by. - Grass Lake News. Typographical Union, No. 154, elected the following officers for the ensuing year, Monday evening : President, Edgar L. Munyon ; vicepresident, Guy W. Stevenson ; recording andcorresponding secretary, Hi Sweet ; financial secretary and treasurer, George E. Parker ; sergeant-at-arms, Geo. P. Stauch. The newly elected will be installed next Monday evening. Sunday was the seventy-second anniversary of the founding of the order of Odd Fellows in this country. The cantón, encampment, and subordínate lodges attended divine service in the morning in a body, at the Baptist church, and listened to a very eloquent sermón from Rev. Mr. Carman. The Odd Fellows were in uniform and every member of the cantón was present except two, who are out of the city. The remains of Henry Gardner were brought to this place last Monday from the Pontiac asylum. The deceased lived just over the county line in Sharon, where he settled 30 years or so ago. He was at different times insane, and upon his apparent recovery his wife would go to the asylum and take him back home, but his sanity was usually of short duration and he would have to be returned for treatment and safe ing. He was a large man and when his mind wandered was ugly and dangerous. At one time he was a United States marshal. He leaves a wife but no children. His burial took place in the west cemetery. - Grass Lake News.
First Presbyterian Church (South Lyon)
Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club
Congregational Church of Chelsea
Willis Methodist Church
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Seneca Marble
Frank Staffan
Frank Spafford
Oscar Binns
Fred Bull
Michael O'Hara
John Schleh
William Waenger
Mrs. S. L. Champlain
Mrs. Harrison Fairchilds
Staats Green
M. M. Green
Robert Martin
M. P. Vogel
Patrick Donovan
J. H. M. Anderson
Mrs. William Merrithew
W. F. Abrams
Mrs. Joseph Wilson
Mrs. W. Joe
Edgar L. Munyon
Guy W. Stevenson
Hi Sweet
George E. Parker
George P. Stauch