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Work Among The Bees

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The time is near at hand when bees need considerable attention. A successfnl honey erop depends to a great extent on the proper care of bees from now untü the main harvest begins. Duiing the firet warm days of spring, when the bees are flying freely, every colony should be carefully eiamined. Brosh ont all dead beee and dirt that have accnmnlated during the winter. Tnck them np wsrmly and snagly. It will pay to pack all nnprotected hives, even in an old store box, well protected f rom rain. If any colonies are qneenless unite them with other weak ones, giving two or three frames or more to each. It will not pay to bny a qneen f or snch a colony nnlees it ia exceedingly strong, and you have no weak ones to unite it with. Look well to the amonnt of honey each one has. Ten ponnds may be enongh to last them untál the harvest begins, and it may not. Mach depends on the f ertility of the qneen and the time of the harvest. Never allow bees to get short of stores in the spring. Some people think if the j can't gather enongh honey after the first flowers bloom they can die. This is a great nüstake. They can consomé Kitle or mnch honey. The mare homey constrmed the more bees. Get the bees, and .you will get the snrplns if the flowers yield it - Ohio Parmer.