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Unhappy Silk Workers

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The silk industry of this country is protected from 50 to 00 per cent. "for the benefit of American labor." Bnt labor in the silk industry is not happy. Master Workman Kaminski, of the United Silk Workers of North America, claims that in the past twelve months wages have been ent down in some caaes as much as 50 per cent. No wonder then that at the recent meeting of the silk workers they passed the following resolutions: Whereas, The silk industry of the United States, despito the high protective tariff, is at present in a most deplorable condition, wages being so low that skilled operators are seekmg uther occupatious, and in view of the fact that sinco 1889 the wages of ribbon weavers have been reduced 58 per cent., be it liesolved, That tho representatives of tha United States Silk Workers of North America, now in session, appcal to the friends of American labor not to purchase silk fabricsof foreign manufacture, which are actually inferior to those made here; and be it Resolved, That in our opinión neüher-protection nor f ree trade benefits the workman, and we therefore cali upon all silk workera whoare unorganized to band themselves togetheriinto the national body, and it is our fnrther ophrion that tiie only protection workingmen wül ewr receive wül be that they give themselves. Bnt protection is given upon the plea that it will guaran tee "good wages and 9teady employment."