W. L. Potter is sick at present. Charles Sherman talks of moving into Wm. Merritt's house shortly. George Raymond has been wrestling with the measles for a few days past. D. W. Potter intends to build a new horse barn and shed the coming summer. The formal dedication 'of the M. E. church at this place will take place on Sunday, May 3d. Ed. Lohr has his new barn nearly completed. It is 30 by 44 and when finished will be qnite an addttion to his farm buildings. D. Russell has sold a large quantity of lumber to a Northville company, and they have been hiring it piled to let it get seasoned. Wheat is looking good and promises to be a large erop. Some have their oats sown, but a great many have not sowed on account of the wet. Únele Abe Vanderpool's two sons came out from Detroit last week to visit their father and mother. Uncle Abe is 83, and his wife is 90 this spring, yet they are living alone, the old lady attendingto her household duties.