
Dr. Holmes officiated at the M. E. church last Sunday. Geo. Blaich has put a new plate glass front in his grocery store. Peach trees are in blossom and promise a good erop this summer. Eider Mclntosh is out again and expects to be in his pulpit next Sunday. Dr. Armstrong has Consolidated his two drug stores in the Winans building. Dr. M. W. Bush will move to Tackson to be nearer his farm near that place. Merritt has bought John Bagge's market property on South Main street. Mr. Meek, of Ingham county, was the guest of Mrs. Buchanan last Sunday. They have quarterly meeting at the M. E. church one week from next Sunday. Housecleaning, repairing and fixing up for the summer are the order in all directions. Unless we get frosts yet there is every indication of an abundant fruit erop about here this season. E. P. Downer has bought about 60 acres of the Michael Savage farm three miles southwest of this place. The farmers are more hopeful than they have been for many years. The good prices and good prospect for crops warrant it. It has been dull intown thisweek. The farmers have been pushing plowing and sowing with unusual vigor, because of the lateness of the season. Secretary Cavanugh of the county school examiners held an examination of teachers here last Friday. There was a large attendance and quite a number failed to get certificates. The concert at the Town Hall Tuesday night, by the Congregational people, was a good success. The attendance was good and the music very creditable. It gave them a good lift on their organ fund. The markets have taken a big tumble since one week ago. A reaction from the late advance and good erop prospects did it. Red wheat now brings about $1.07 and white, $1.05; rye, 80 cents; oats, 55 cents; butter, 18 cents; potatoes, 85 cents; beans, $1.60.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George Blaich
M. W. Bush
Merritt Boyd
John Bagge
E. P. Downer
Chelsea Michigan