Are You With Us?

Nobody seeins to be agin us. We have had good success from start and it is all owing to the beautiful stock we carry. If you want an all wool suit we have it for $6.00. If you want a fine suit we have it. largesl Line oí Spring Overeéis ia the Cilj. White Vests in all the different styles and not a single cheanut from last year. Neckwear, Underwear, Grloves, Hosiery, Hats, Caps and Fine Furnishings of every description. It Costs NO MORE to buy new styles than to buy old styles and everything in our stock is NEW so you cannot be deceived. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule, W. W. Wadhams. Willïam Kennedy. Andkew Reule. You are Wanted. We want everybody that is interested ín CARPETS, RUfiS AND MATTIN&S to examine our new Spring Stock of them. We know that you will find our assortment to be the largest and our patterns the finest ever shown you in this city. Prices guaranteed to be the lowest. COME And seo the new style of F TX IE 3ff E T XX !=: 1H bought by Mr. Koch when in Chicago and Grand Rapids this spring. Elegant Chamber Suits, Parlor Furniture, Folding Beds, Book Cases, Desks, etc. You will be pleased with the low price we are offering them at. A large new line of Childken's Cabeiages at Bargains . KOCH & HEÜNE, 56 and 58 S. Main St., - Ann Arbor.