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WhenTheHair Shows signs of lalling, begin at once the uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengthens the scalp, promotes the growth of new hair, restores the natural color to gray and faded hair, and renders it soft, pliant, and glossy. "We have no hesitation In pronouncing Ayer's Hair Vigor unequaled for dressing the hair. and we du this after long experience in its use. This preparation preserves the hair, cures dandruft and all diseases of the scalp, makes rough and brittle hair soft and pliant, and prevent baldness. While it is not a dye, those who have used the Vigor say it will stimulate the roots and colorglands of faded, gray, llght, and red hair, changing tne color to A Rich Brown or even black. It will not soil the pillowcase nor a pocket-handkerchief, and is always agreeable. All the dirty, gummy hair preparations should be displaced at once by Ayer's Hair Vigor, and thousands who go around with heads looking like 'the fretful porcupine' should hurry to the nearest drug store and pinchase a bottle of the Vigor."- The Sunvtj South, Atlanta Ga. "Ayer's i í air Vigor is excellent for the hair. It stiinulates the growth, cures baldness, restores the natural color, cleanses the scalp, prevents dandruff, and is a good dressing. We know that Ayer's Hair Vigor differs from most hair tonics and similar preparations, it being perfectly harmless." - From Economicul Iouaekeeping, by Eliza K. Parker. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY DR. J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Masa, Sold by Druggists and Perftimers. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havinz been made in the conditions of acertnin mortf?aire made by Kiehird Brown and Catheriue Urown to Thomas Kearnev, dated Maroh 5, A. 1). lsfö, and resordodintho offioe of the Regrlater of Deeds, for the County (f Washtenaw and state ■ot Michigan, on the flfth dayoi' March. A D, 1885, in Líber 64 of Mortgagea, on page 438 on which mortgaiíe there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of twothousand eiirht hundrcd umi ninety-nine dollars amï flftyninecents, and an attornoy's l'eeof tnirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceed ngs at law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof ; Now tlierefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortage, and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is herebv given that on Fnday, the tenth day of July, A. D. 1891. at ten o'cloek in the forenoon. 1 Bhall sell at Public Auctlon, to the highest bidder at the north froni door of the ;ourt House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premiees descnbed in said mortgage, or so mueh thereof as mav be neceseary to pay the amount due on said morteage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorneys fee of thirty dollars covenanted for therein, the premises beintf described in said mortgaire as all that certain lot, prece and parcelof land sitúate in the Townehip of Webster, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Micuwan and known and described as foliows: The east half of the north-east quarter of section, number one in township number one south of lUITHOMASeKEAKNEY, Mortgagee. Thos. D. Keabsky, Attorney for Mortgagee. Rubber Shoes uniera woru uncomrortabiy ugni, generaliy slip ofT the feet. THE 'COLCHESTT-K" EUBBEB CO. mal-e all their shoes wlth inslde of hcel lint;' v.-HV. rubber. This cUnïa to tue shoe aud prevcnts Uu rubLer Irom elipping off Cali ot the ColdhfeMer " "ADHESkVË COUWTERC." fOR SALE BY Wm. Allaloy, John Biirg, Doty & Feiner L. Gruner, W. Reinhardt & Co., A. D. Seyler & Son, 2sr:isr aeboe; mich. BAHRl BRÖCEEI AND FLOÜR AND FEED STORE, We keep consiantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wnolesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ol OSHIHftH'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'b Best Wnite Wheat Elour, Bye Flour. Buckwneat Flotur, Corn Meal, raed, c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A eeneral stock ot &R00ERIES AND PROVISIONS constanUy on hand, which will be sold on as rcasonable terms as at any other house in the city. EyCash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Countr-y Produce generallv. EW-Goods Delivered to anv part of the city wlth 1 out extra charee. Rinsey & Soabolt. gtafc Patentsobtaiked !nTJ. 3. 5Tryw5É and all forelgn couutries !?5)aíÍ3fF. Examlnations made. I.itC: "StTnTiT'HW Y"% censes and nssignments Xsjgmj j3ll9'v3% Inftinmenta WwJUl I H LUiíW ÈTvcn. Somodelsrequired'. VKOOTRáf festabilshed A. D. 18to. TSJ3jp3' Tilos. S. S1-BAGÜE& Son;, 37 WXTED- An honest, pushing salcsman to sell the Improved Siuger Machines. No experience necessary, or capitel required. Give us a small honest v bond and we will fit you out on a basis that cannotfail to yield you good returns. Address The Slnoer Manufacturing Cömpany, 8 TOLEDO, OHIO.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News