$14,630 Liquor Tax Paid
The liquor tax is coming in rather slowly in the county treasurer's office. Only one saloon in Ypsilantt has yet paid the tax. The sum of $7,530 has been paid in by the liquor dealers of this city. The total amount paid in at three o'clock yesterday was $14,630. The following named liquor dealers have paid: Ann Arbor city- Augnst Herz, John Goetz, sr. and son, John Goetz, Jr., Fred Besimer, Walsh & Clancy, William H. Mclntyre, John Schneider, Jr., Fred Brown, William Z. Frank, Albrecht Gwinner, each $500. Emil Golz, John Maulbetsch, Anton Brahm, Jacob Dupper. Christian Roth, Adolph Kemper, W. Fred Schlanderer, each $300. Herman Hardinghaus, Martin & Fischer, each $65. -Ypsilanti- George W. Cady, $500. Milan- L. C. Foerster, C. H. Van Nostrand, each $500. Manchester - Jos. Vogelbacher, Jacob F. Miller, Wm, Kirchgessner C. Neuraannn, each #300. Saline - John Frank, Bender & Hooter, each $300. Chelsea - Thos. McNamara, Conrad Spiernagh, John Bohne, and Henry Fry, each $500. Dexter - P. Fitzsimmons, Omar Moore, Emanuel Beek, each $500.
Liquor Stores
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
August Herz
John Goetz
Fred Besimer
William H. McIntyre
John Schneider Jr.
Fred Brown
William Z. Frank
Albrecht Gwinner
Emil Golz
John Maulbetsch
Anton Brahm
Jacob Dupper
Christian Roth
Adolph Kemper
W. Fred Schlanderer
Herman Hardinghaus
George W. Cady
L. C. Foerster
C. H. Van Nostrand
Joseph Vogelbacher
Jacob F. Miller
William Kirchgessner
John Frank
Thomas McNamara
Conrad Spiernagh
John Bohne
Henry Fry
Omar Moore
Emanuel Beck
Michael Weidman