City And County
The street cars did a big business, Saturday. A lawn tennis club will be organizedin Salem. Whooping cough has made its appearance in the city. The council held their regular meeting last evening. Prof. Steere has forty-five acres of onions on his Pittsfield farm. Hon. N. Sutton has raised a barn 38x52 feet on his farm in Pittsfield. The Packard street street railway line will be completed this week. Salem station has been improved by the planting of maple trees on its streets. William Smith paid $7.75 into Justice Pond's court for beingdrunk and was released. Some of the peach men claim that peaches are all right yet, in spite of the frosts. The Chelsea schools have 373 pupils enrolled. Sixteen foreign pupils are in attendance. The Ann Arbor Agricultural works received an order yesterday from Germany for hay tèdders. J. W. Barton, of Lyndon, has a cow, which the Chelsea Herald says, gives forty quarts of milk a day. Mrs. Jane Maloney, of Lyndon, died May 9, after a brief illness, at the advanced age of eighty years. The assessed valuation of Chelsea this year is $581,775 and the village tax is $1.75 on the thousand. Harrisou, the little two-year old son of Sterling Bullock, of West Madison street, died last week of measles. Rev. Mr. Waters will be ordained to the priesthood in St. Andrew's church by Bishop Davies to-morrow evening. The heavy frost Saturday evening did great damage to grapes. Some of the vines about the city were completely stripped of leaves. Business in the treasurer's office was not very brisk last week. The orders paid amounted to $8.60, while the receipts from officers' fees amounted to $2.90. The University minstrels had a crowded house last Satvrday evening in Ypsilanti and nearly every number was encored. Some 200 went down from this city. The University nine defeated the Northwestern nine atthe fairgrounds by a score of 15 to 3, They made 20 hits while the visitors only got 3 Wts off of Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Hawkins, the former proprietors of the Hawkins house, Ypsilanti, were each presented, Saturday, with fine gold watches by their Ypsilanti neighbors. Representativas GregoryandLowden voted in favor of the $30,000 appropriation for the G. A. R. national encampment at Detroit. This evening Prof. Trueblood will give a recital at the Art Loan. All should attend as the Professor always makes an evening pass profitably and pleasantly. The water works company think they have a flow of 300,000 gallons every twenty-four hours from the new six inch drive well, which struck water last Saturday evening. Pjesident Cooley, of the council, is acting mayor during the absence of Mayor Doty, who is attending the meeting of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in Detroit. Mr. Field, of Jackson, has assumed the management of the old Rogers House at Hamburg, Luther Moore, the former proprietor, having taken up his abode on his farm near Brighton. The board of directors of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry organized last evening with the election of Col. Henry S. Dean, president, Maj. Harrison Soule, vice-president, and Charles E. Hiscock, treasurer. Among the officers elected last week by the annual convention of the W. C. U. for this congressional district were the following from this county: President, Mrs. Julia D. Stannard, of Dexter; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Martha J. Warner, of Ypsilanti. Sheriff Dwyer received a telegram Friday that George W. Parker had died in Ionia. He was sentenced to the House of Correction for six months, March 4, for stealing a coat from Mrs. Saunders, in Ypsilanti. His relatives are unknown. Drs. McLachlan, Obetz, Wood, Gatchell and Nelles left last evening for Grand Rapids, to attend the state medical society, which is in session at that place. Dr. Mack left this morning to be present at the meeting. Dr. McLachlan will read a paper on the reflex diseases of the eye, ear and nose. The horse of Ed Kent became frightened at a woraan pulling up weeds on Fifth avenue last Friday afternoon, gave a sudden lurch which tipped the wagon and threw Kent out, and then ran at full speed around into Huron street, taking the sidewalk in front of Mclntyre's and being finally stopped in front of Volland's. The wagon was overturned but not greatly damaged. Fred Gauntlett, grocer, of Saline, has become involved in financial difficulties. He made a bilí of sale of his stock to Edward A. Hauser, but before he got a firm hold, Kelsey and Dean & Co. had levied attachments on the goods. DeputySheriff Peterson went to Saline Saturday and replevied the goods from the officers for Hauser. The goods invoiced about #1,000. J. S. Cummings was the possessor of a handsome white buil dog, who always kept his eye open for a fight. Last Friday evening, while at the depot, he attacked a passing locomotive, and after the dust had cleared away, the dog was found minus his tail. The dog was taken home and the wound dressed, but he feit so bad over the loss of his fly disturber that he died Saturday. - Chelsea Herald. On the arrival of the special Uain from Detroit next Saturday the visiting clergmen will go at once to McMillan hall, where short dedicatory services will be held. Ten minutes' addresses will be made by President Patten, of Princeton, H. D. Gause, and President Angelí. The visitors will be shown over the University and have a lunch at the church parlors. The special train leaves for Detroit at eight o'clock. We haveoccasionallywhatiscalled "locust year" and then the "seventeen year locusts" fill the air with their presence and their screeches, but any one who travels over the country this year will be impressed by the idea that this is "dandelion year." There are tens of millions, apparently, of little yellow flowers peeping up along roadsides and in fields, some fields being literally covered with a mat of dandelion slants and blossoms. It is said that a man who was afraid of thunder crawled into a hollow log' as a place of safety during a thunder storm. The thunder rolled and the rain poured down in torrents, and that old log began to swell up till the poor fellow was wedged in so tight he could not get out. All his sins began passing before him. Suddenly he remembered that he hadn't paid his newspaper subscription and he feit so small that he was able to back right out. - Ex. The following liquor dealers of Ann Arbor city have paid their tax since last Friday morning: $500, Lawrence J. Damm, George Clarken, Charles Binder; Í300, Christian Gauss, J. Jacob Koch, August Schneider, Eugene Oesterlin, jr., G. Schoettle. P. H. Gable, of Augusta, paid $300. The total amount of liquor tax paid to the county treasureris $17,930, of which $10,530 has been paid in from this city. Only one saloonkeeper in Ypsilanti has yet paid his license. Ann Arbor is a busy city this week. The Art Loan Exhibit attracts many delighted visitors. The General Association of the Congregational churches, at which over 400 ministers and lay delegatts will be present, is in session here this week. Four hundred members of the Presbyterian General Assembly will be present at the dedication of McMillan hall at three o'clock, Saturday afternoon. The Gym minstrels will draw a crowd Thursday evening, and there are a number of other events. The Students' Lecture Association at their meeting Saturday morning, amended the constitution so that all students of the U. of M . who purchase season tickets, thereby become members of the Association. They provided also for the election of three directors at large who are to be members of the executive committee. P. W. Ross was elected presidentr C. W. Southworth, vicepresident, C. W. Ricketts, corresponding secretary; W. H. Dellen back, treasurer; J. E. Roberts, assistant treasurer; H. N. Goddard, recording secretary; H. D. Jewell, E. B. Gower, and C. C. Spencer, directors at large.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William Smith
J. W. Barton
Jane Maloney
Sterling Bullock
Harrison Bullock
Walter H. Hawkins
Mrs. Walter H. Hawkins
Henry S. Dean
Harrison Soule
Charles E. Hiscock
Julia D. Stannard
Martha J. Warner
George W. Parker
Ed Kent
Fred Gauntlett
Edward A. Hauser
J. S. Cummings
H. D. Gause
Lawrence J. Damm
George Clarken
Charles Binder
Christian Gauss
J. Jacob Koch
August Schneider
Eugene Oesterlin
P. H. Gable
P. W. Ross
C. W. Southworth
C. W. Ricketts
W. H. Dellenback
J. E. Roberts
H. N. Goddard
H. D. Jewell
E. B. Gower
C. C. Spencer