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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having boen made in the conditions ot a e-'rtin mortgage made by Kicbard Brown and Catherine liiown to Thomas Kearney, datert Maroh 5, A. D. 1885, and recorded in the olficc of the Register of Deeds, for the Coiinty i f Waslitenaw and state of Michigan, on the flfth day of Mnrcb. A D. 1885, in Liber 04 of Morlcrngés. on page 438 on which mortjfafee there is oTatmed to he due at the dateof t'his notice the sum .f twothousand eignl bundred and nlnety-nlne dollars and flftynine cents, and an uttorney's feeof thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceod ngs at law having been institutcd to recover the moneys seoured by said mortscajire, or any part thereof ; Now. tberefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortKage, and the statnte in su-h case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Fnday, the tenth day of July, A. 1). 1891. at ten o'ulock in the forenoon, 1 ëhall sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the north froni door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor (that beiDg the place where the Circuit Conrt for Washtenaw ('ounty is holden), the premises described in said mortgage, or so mueh thereof as mar be necessary to pay the amount due on saic mortgage. wlth seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorueys fe of thirty dolíais covenanted for therein, th premises being described in said mortgage ai all that certain lot, piece and parecí of lan sitúate in the ïownship of Webster, in th County of Waehtenaw ond State of Michica and known and described as follows: Th easthalf of tne north-eiist quarter of seotioi mimber one in township number one south o range number flve, enet. THOMAS KEAUNEY, Mortgagee. Thor. B. Kmitxr.v. Attorney lor Mortgagee.