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LOFFICIALl. CoUNCIL CHAMBER, May 18, 1891 . Regular Meeting. Called to order by President Cooley Roll cali- Present: Aldermen Mann Wines, Herz, Martin, Allinendinger Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kit son and Pres. Cooley, 1-. Absent: Alderman Rehburg, 1. Minutes of previous meeting were reac and apjroved. The follovving couiinunication i'rom the Mayor was received : an.n Abbor, Mich., May 11, 1891 TO THE COMMON COÜNCIL. Otntlema - I have the honor hercivith to transmit to you a copy of the action oí the Board of Supervisors, and of the Common Council of the city, relatlve to the Court House Square, which I have been reqxested by the Giert oí al lioard to cali to your attention. I wonhl Buggesl lts proper reierence for such action as you deern advlsable, oectfully, WlLLIAM G. DOTV. Mayor. ,v. March "th, 187!). Board met pursuant to adionrnment. Roll called and quorum present; Journal of yesterlay read and appi Mr. Gregory, from tlie committec to oonfer with the city authoritiea of A nu Arbor, preBented the followlng resolutlon passed by the Common Council, March 6th, 1879. At a special seeslon of the Common Council on Thureday, Mareta th, 1879, the following resolutiou uminimously adopted : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenav bavlng offered & reaolutlon proposiug to place the grounds of the Court House square under the charge of the Mayor. Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Aun Arbor for protection and beautification after the same shall have been completed, according to contract, and the walks and flagging laid.provided that said authoritiea shall not cut anv shade trees, unless by consent of the Board of Supervisors, Resolved: That the proposition of the Board of Supervisors be accepted, and that the 'um mon Couneil of the City of Ann Arbor will assume the protection and beautification of said grounds. Very Respeetfully, ÏÏM. A. Clark, Recorder. On Vnotion of Mr. Le Baron the report was accepted. Received and referred to Park Committee. A petition signed by Ellen Paquette and Peter Paquette, stating that a sidewalk had been constructed on their premises, instead of on the north line of Fitch Street, and asking for a comimttee to investígate and determine the North line of the Street. Received and referred to the Street Committee. A petition signed by forty-five residents and property holders in the City of Ann Arbor, asking for the extensión of East Summit Street, on the linea of Summit Street as now located in said City, froto Beakes Street to Detroit Street. Eeceived and referred to Street Committee. Ann ARBOB, Mii h., April 30th, 1S91. ToMr. Ki.i W.Moobb, President of the Board of Health. In accordancc with usage I herewith present the Annual Report of the Health Officer to this Board. I um pleased to say that at this date, the City is cree f rom contagious or communicable disèases. I have no reports of the existence of such oasen, now, and the number reported during the year is very much less than for each of twb or three years past. The number of deaths also from such cases have been few, and in smaller proportion than for some years befqre. Lxcepting the prevalence of influenza, which has been sömeuhat epidemie, and eomplieationsoí Pneumonía and Bronchitis, the general health of the City ia very good. I take this occasion to recommend that this Board uree upon the f'ouucil the necessity for the City doiug whatever it can iu its corporate Character to secure andmaintain the best Sanitary (Jonditions for our Citizens. It does not need argument to show that the material interest of our City. our Schools, and the University, as well as the health of our eitizens, would suffer by any causes which render less healthy or safe or desirable, our City is a place of residenee. ïhere are several matters, subjects of frequent complaints to this Board, directly affecting public health. comfort and which the Council can, in iny opinión, render eilective public service to their iellow citizens, who 'io other remedy, and who look to their representativos iu thé City Government to regrievances. Firsl in Importance are the slaughter housea, thu troubles arisiug from their Location, the Board of Health run only palliate. lie ( ouncil can radicaliy correct thé trouble i, n m f rom so central a part of the i cannol dobetter than to repeat agaln, the BUb8tanoë Dfaspeeïfil report on this subject, to the Councii two [twas supposedal that mr that the slaughter housea "i the river in the "th YVurd were there by authorltj of the Councii, hut It appeara that they arewholly outside the bounni the tiTiitory designated by ordiaance, fixlng liraits witnin which slaughtering may !: carrled on as a business, ril huw fivnuciitly pi'titioned the Board of Health and the Councii to have some permanent remedy for the trouble complained of, and thr following is quoted to show actiou herëfofore I aken : TOTin-: .M ïm: A N Ii COTQICIL. Gentlemen - At a meeting of thu iu, i. held 17, 1889, the Health Officer vraa Instructed to request that your body take up and consider the petition (made about a year ago), oi a large number of citizens, roncerning the slaughter houses, and that the communication of the Ik'nlih Officer accompanying it, referí ir Honorable Body, Ijl' úkrn up and acted utoii bj you, The complaints and petitiona of last summer are all pertinent now, and there is the Bame need foi actlon of your body, that there was then. I would especially urge that the ('ouncil should take measures to remove the most ofand troublesome thiug iu connection with the slaughter houses, viz: Bonobolliug and the renderiifgot Boap and other hnpure fats and grease from putrld and ing anima] matter. Theodora Erom thia business In the Fifili Wanl are well nigh Intolere ble, and we believe nothing Bhort of removal ie point outside of the city limits, dlstant from dwellings or business, wíl] permanently i be nuisance ii now cai The Councii has authority (167S Howell's Btatutes "Regulation of Oftensive Trades") to a a place for the oarrying on of this business. ii seems so manifestly wrongas not to need argument, that so many citizens, families and BChools, should Buffer annoyance, discomfort, and risk 1 bealtb : and the city [tself BUffer discredit with strangers and travelers at the railroad station, by reason of the abominable odors of the business of one man. The dumping of rnbbish and ashes on the sides of streets and vacant lots, even wheu permitted by owners, is not only unsightly and out of keeping with efforts not so general to beautify our streets and grasa plots; but it is also a discomfort and danger to health and eyesight by being blown over town. This practice is much more abused recently since coal ashes and einders have been placed on the street, apparently by authority. This done by a citizen would viólate an ordinance. Is it any less a violation wheu done by the city? I would advise that when such matter is throwu upon the streets it should be so mixed or eovercd with gravel as to prevent it being blowu away. More care on the part of the rit y would encourage private enterprise and remove excuse from the thqughtless. Asimilar objection arises agalnst the pre valent habitof burnlng leavea in the street, :is]()(. from the danger from fi res, the smoke which In the fall continúen Cor weeks is of ten verv injurious to the eyes and a serlous drawback to health and comfort. I believe there are already ordinances which prohibit it. l would advise that the attention of the Councii be .i dof re-grading and re-paving the alley from Washington to Liberty Streets, between Main that drainage of alley may be effective. Anothcr matter to wliich the attention of this Board bas repeatedly been called is the speed of the street cars on some of the streets. A it is made tlie dtity of the Board of Health toiuspect Public Buildings and Public Institutions and to guard against aocidenta or dauger to life or limb, as well as against infection or unsauitary seems to me bhat it la our duty to receive such complaints. and respectfully refer them to the Councii with !UCh recommendatious as public safety requires. These cars are often run at so high a rate of speed as to frighten horses and endanger persons riding. This is particularly true wlieu ladies aro driving. I belleve we have an ordlnanco prohibitlng driviux horses. or even running steam cara, beyoifd a oertain speed or nnmber of miles per hoor, within the city liniits. A team (inven at the spoed this cm aometlmes runs at. even though it eould be turned out, would endanger vehfcles and occupants and would subject its drlver to arrest. But these cars often meet carriages wherc the siiace is narrow, and frlghten unreasoniiM horses. wliicli are more al raid tlmu thuy would be of the game car drawn ly othei horees. l: there are not safficient ordinances now in force, snel] measnres should t'c adopted a would secure the safsty oi travelers in carriagesdrawn by boraes, as well as in thosepropelled by any other nuans. And also glve ua the advautages aud eonveniences of a street car service, without uunecessary dauger and without prejudicing the people agaiust its extensión. Many complaints of various kinds are made to the board, aud all it.s memben, and particularly the iuspector. Mr. Clark iuspeuts agreat niaiiy placefl whereit ischarged that nuisauces exist or that the condition is unsanitary. People have generally showu adlsposiuon to aid in the work of the board and observe its recommendation. The total mortality of the year Is 140. A more detailed statement will be ven later. Kespectfally, W. K. Beeakey, Health Officer, Respeetfully BUbmltted to Mayor and Common Council 'of Aun Arbor, Micn. El.I V. MOO Pres. of Board of Health. Aldermau Wines moved that the report be received and placed on flle and be published in full in official papers. Carried. Ann A.EBOB, Mich.. May 11. 1891. To thr Honorable Ote Common Council o] thx Ctty of Ann Arbor, ilich. The Aun Arbor Arbeister Unterstuetzungs Vericu (Workingmens' Aid Association) will celébrate the 25th auuiversary, Weduesday, June 10, 1891. We respeetfully invite your honorable bodv to particípate in our prqcession at 1 o'clock p. m., on the above-mentioned day. We bope that your honorable body will acccfit our invitatiou, and remain, Very respeetfully, Ann Ai'.boe Untkrstuetzungs Verein. Eugeue Oesterliu, Corresp. Sec. Received and placed on file. A petition signed by sixteen draymen requesting that the Council repeal an ordinance imposing a license fee for conducting within the city the business of a drayman was received and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ann Arüok, Michigan, May llth, 1891. X'he Honorable, the Conimon Council of the City ol Ann Arbor. Gentlemen: In reply to the notice jiven to the Arm Arbor Water Co. to meet a fire hydrant on the southeast comer of Hill street and Forest avenue, the Water Company desires to cali the attention of the Coinmon Council to the f act tliat the contract with the City, relating to fire hydrants. provides that when ney fire hydrants are ordered by the City, the Water Company shall be entitled to one fire hydrant for every seven hundred feet oí' sx-inch street main ordeied laid. The distance f rom Washtenaw avenue to the point named on Hill and Forest avenue is fourteen hundred and six Peet. The. distance on Hill street f rom Twelfth street is ten hundred and fifty-six feet. The Water Company are ready to comply with the ;enor of the contract, and will ay the six-iuch street main seven lundred feet along Hill street f rom Washtenaw avenue, or from Twelfth street, as the Council may direct and )lace the fire hydrant at the end of ïhe seven hundred feet. The street nain now laid on Hill street is laid on the north side, of the street. To com?ly with the present order of the 3ouncil it will be necessary to cro-s ;he street with the street main. By ui arrangement with the Gas Com3any we have agreed to lay our main m one side and leave the other side of ;he street for the Gas Company's use. We ask the Common Council to so change their order as to comply with ,he tenor of the contract with the City. Also to permit the tire hydrants ordered to be placed on the north side of Hill street. Very respectfully, The Asx Akbok Waïek Co. 'er A. W. Hamilton, President and Superintendent. Iteferred to Water Committee. A petition signecl by tive resideuts and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor asking for the extensión of a six-inch street main from Washtenaw avenue, along South University avenue east to Linden street and phtcing one lire hydrant at the córner of South University avenue and Linden street, was referred to AVater Committee. A petition signed by three residents and property holders in the city of Ann Aibov asking for the extensión of a six-inch water main along West Jefferson street to Seventh street and along Seventh street to Madison street, and placing a lire hydrant on the córner of Seventh and West Jefferson streets was referred to Water Committee. The resignaron of L. D. Car as special pólice at the Art Loan was received. A petition signed by eight residents and property holders in thethird ward, Hiscock's addition, asking that a street light be placed on Spring street, half way between Summit street and Chubb Koad was referred to Lighting Committee. BOAKD OF PUBLIC WOHKS. To ítc Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfully report and recommend that the f ollowing sidewalks be ordered built in front of the following property on Spring street: Mrs. E. M. Eisele, Charles Balfanz, Sr., Charles Balfanz, Jr., and J. V. N. Gregory. W. J. Millek, Clerk. lleferred to Sidewalk Committee. To tJw Hon. Common Council of tlie City of Ann Arbor, Ilich.: The undersigned respectfully begs leave to erect two frame dweiling houses on lus premisos on South Main street and begs that the same courtesy be granted him that was granted to others in the same block. Very Respectfully, Ann Arbor, May 8, '91. J. KÁPP. ORDINANCE CO3I3IITTBE. Third reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Section Ten of an ordinance entitled an "Ordinance Eela;ive to Licenses," passed August 19, 889 and amended Maren 27th, 1890. The president having stated the question shall this ordinance pass, Aid. Mann moved that the ordiïiance be amended so that the same should prescribe a uniform fee of One Dollar tor each hack or other vehicle so licensed. Pending discussion thereon, Alderman Martin moved that the ordinance be recommited, whicli motion prevailed. HOND C03IMITT1ÍE. 7b iln Convmon Couneü: Your Committee onBonds would respectfully report that they have examined thefollowing bouds and would recommend their acceptauce with the surétiea named. LIQUOR DEALER'S BOND. PRINCIPAL. SüUBTCKS. Lndwlff Walz. Charles W. Grossman. John Walz. DRUGGIST'S 130ND. PRINCIPA!,. SUIÏETIKS. Bassett Uros. John H. Nickel?. L. Bas-ctt. Respectf ully subrnitted, WlLLIAM HERZ, E. G. Maxn, Louis P. Hall, Ann Arbor, May 18, 1891. The report of the Bond Committee was accepted and adopted and bonds approved. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to appoint for the term of twenty days W. H. Dellenbach special policeman, for the purpose of guarding the property of and preserving the peace at the Ann Arbor Art Loan, to be held at Newberry Hall in this city, such policeman, howaver, to perform such service without cost to the City and also the City to be without liability for any neglect of duty on his part. Carried. By Aldennan Martin: Whereas, The Ann Arbor Arbeiter Verein proposes to celébrate its twentyfifth anniversary, on the occasion of the meeting of the Arbeiter Bund in this City commencing on the tenth day of June instant and, Whereas, This Conncil has, through the courtesy of said society, been invited to particípate in the f estivities of that occasion. Therefore, Be it resolved that sucli invitation so extended be and the same is hereby accepted. Carried . By Alderman Martin : This Council having accepted the invitation of the Ann Arbor Workingraen's Aid Society to particípate in the celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary, Therefore, Resolved that the President do appoint a comnrittee of three members of the Council of which the President shall be chairman, and His Honor, the Mayor ex-officio, a member, who shall be eharged with the duty of arranging and directing the manner in in which this Council, theFire Department, Pólice and other officers of this City, shall carry out the invitation so mude and accepted. Be it further resolved that the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) be and the same is hereby appropiïated out of ;he contingent f und, and subject to the disposal of the said Committee and paid on the order of the chairman ihereof , if so much shall be needed for that purpose, to pay the expense of said committee, and for such other surpose in connection with said celearation as the said Committee may deern advisable. Yeas - Aid. Mann. Winea, Herz, Mar;in, Allmendinger, Éillmore, O'IIearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays- None. By Alderman Mann. Resolved, That the amer.dments to the Charter be printed in official papers for the information of this Council and the public. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Ilerz, Marn. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 12. Nav's- None. By Alderman Taj'lor: Resolved, That the Board of Public "Works be and is hereby instructed to fence aud grade the newly acquired addition to the City Cemetery at a cost not exceeding $150.00. By Alderman Wines: Resolved that the resolution of Allerman Taylor in regard to fencing the additioii to the City Cemetery be ref erred to the Board of Public Works. Yeas - Aid. Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmcndinger, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley- 7. Nays- Aid. Mann, Fillmore,O'IIearii, Ferguson, Taylor - 5. By Alderman Hall: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be requested to subinit a report in regard to the purchasing of a stoue crusher, roller, etc. Carried. Council then adjourned. City Clerk.