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Close Of The President's Tour

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Washington Citv, May 16. - Tho grand tour of President Harrifcon and his party, which begau April 14 last, euded at 5:30 o'clock yestprday aiteruoon, when the presxk-mial train carne to a standstill in the Pennsylvia raálroad station here, exactly on time. The great jouraey of 10,000 miles had been accomplished without an accideut lud witliout deviation from the pre-arr&ngëd sciiedule, exceptos one occasion. Bövjaniin Harrison ilcKee was the first person to be greeted by the president, who jumped from the platform of the train and clasped ljis grandson in his arms. Little Mary JlcKee was alo at ttie statiou. Secretary l'roctor, Secretary Foster and Attorney Geueral Mi lier, with several assistiint secretarles ;ind a number of govermneut officials, met the party at the train. Only a few people were at the station when tbe party arrived. ïhe president, Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Dirnmick were driven directly to the White House, while Mr. and Mrs. Boyd took a traia for Philadelphia. The last duy of the journey was the quietest of the entire tour. Rain feil most of the time, and when the party reached Wahington City it was pouring down steauiiy. Between Washington City and Baltimore the members of the party and the train employés assembled in the observation car, and to them the president made a sbort speech in which he thankéd all those wLo had accompanied nirn for their courtesy and attention. He referred to the journey as one that had never been equalled, and paid a high compliment to Mr. George W. Boyd, the general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania railroad, who had charge of the train, for thegreat success he had achieved in keeping exactly to the pre-arranged schedule. The president delivtred 140 speeches during the tour. His best recon for a single day was Thursday, when he talked to twelve different assemblages The day before he made eleven speeches.