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No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really cures Catarrh, whether the disease be recent or of long standing, because the makers of it clinch their faith in it with a $500 guarantee, which isn't a mere newspaper guarantee, but " on cali " in a moment. That moment is when you prove that its makers can't cure you. The reason for their faith is this: Dr. Sage's remedy has proved itself the right cure for ninety-nine out of one hundred cases of Catarrh in the Head, and the World's Dispensary Medical Association can afford to take the risk of your being the one hundredth. The only question is - are you willing to make the test, if the makers are willing to take the risk ? If so, the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins. If you're wanting the $500 you'll get something better - ■ a cure Report oí" the Condition OF Tb hum' & Mechanica' Jank AT LüTIir AEBOE, MICH. At the close of business, May 4, 1S91. RESOURCES. Uwnsami Disconnts $24-1,507.27 Stocks bonds, morUages, etc 73.191.P7 Ovtrdrafts 3.460.96 Due iïom bauks in reserve citirs 39,426 49 Bills in transit 4,854.50 FurnitureandFixtures__ 3,000.(0 Curreiit expenses ;md taxes puid 1,642.37 lntereBt paid 2,34.22 Checks and csh items 830.78 Nickelsand Penuies 6?.-9 tíold 7,712.20 Silver 1.5S4.15 U. S. and National Bank Xoies 10,41 .0.' Total $j2 4nS..V LTAEILITIKS. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus lui.d 10.000.01) r luli ided pronta.. 11,612.741 Dividfnds unpaid. ._ 30. 0 Commercial dtpoMts 'J64.C34.Cl baviugs deposito :6,l',)l.'b Tolal $ji,4fWöO STATE OP MICHIGAN, I County oí' Wahtenivv, I, F reder '.ck H Belstr, Cosluer o!' tl.e above :ui!iiei Bank, do solemuly swear thal the abovc statement is true to the b-jst of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BEl,?ER,Cashier. Subscribid and Fworn to bi'fore me this llth day ofllíí, 1891. W. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. CORRECT- Attest: REÜRENKEMPF, 1 A. KEAUNEY, ! Directora. CHAS. E. GKEENE, i RBMOVAL ! Henry A. Newland & Co., wholesale hatters and fur nierchants. Detroit, have removed their business to the store recently oeeupied by Alian, Sbelden & Co., 163, 184, 16B ánd 168 Jeffersoa ave., one door west of Wnodward ave., where their facilities are largely inoreased. Ihey invite all their í'riends to cali at the new store.