The J. T. Jacobs Company

SPECIAL - BARGAIN - SALE ! WE SHALL PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK THE M est Bargain in {O 0 Sé for Mea EVER OFFERED IN ANN ARBOR-W "We have taken a lot of suits that sold for a great deal more money, and sha close them out at this price. ALSO A LARGE LINE OF CHILDREN'S SPITS FOR $2.90 The Best Pant (For Workingmen) Ever Seen, For Only 75 Cents. The greatest line of Outing Shirts in the city. The place is The J. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 29 Main St. H. B- A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ON ALL SPRING OVERCOATS.
J. T. Jacobs & Co
Clothes - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
27 & 29 Main St