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Miss Georgia Rathbone is visitin in New York. Munson Bliss returned to Kansa City last evening. Mr. and Mrs, A. Hill returned to Detroit yesterday. Mrs, Norman Chapin is visiting her son, in Northfield. Mrs. Louis Hill is visiting at her ather's, Dr. Preston B. Rose's. William Chamberlain of Three Oaks, visited Dr. Breakey, last week. ' David Henning, of Chicago, is pending ten days here and in Deroit. Rev. Dr. Holmes, of Chelsea, has )een spending several days in the city. Mrs. Nellie Morcereau, nee Coleman, of Manistee, is visiting friends in the city. Miss Armstrong, of Albion, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Chadbourne. Major C. Wilson has returned to Warsaw, Wisconsin, and become a homesteader. Miss Lucy Shadford left Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Beckler, of Chicago. Mrs. Sarah Caul, of Toledo, who has been visiting Mrs. J. T. Swathel, returned home to-day. Miss Helen Terry, of Toledo, is spending a few weeks with her friend, Miss Josie Henion. J. W. Shaw returned Friday from a two weeks' visit with friends and relative in Detroit and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Field, of Alpena, and Mr. and Mrs. Travers, of Cooper, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal.