
BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. Jj CKAMER, 'attorney at law, Ann Arboe, Mich. SEWAED CRAMER, Clerk and business partner. Office front room over First National Bank p b. noreis Attobney at Law. Boes a general laweolleetionand conveyancin? business. A moderate share of your patronage reepectfully solicited. Oflice in the Cmirt House. - K. WILLIAMS, AttoiT.ev at L&w and Pension Claim Attornev, MH.AN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. ELIHU B. OIÑTID. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public. Conveyancing done and REAL ESTÁTE bought and sold on commission. Patronage solicited . No. 6 N. MaiuS DENTISTS. r OÜIS P. HALL, DEPÍXISX. Office South State street. Over Sheehan's Book Store. Hours 9 a.. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. yy w. nichols d. d., DENTIST. In the old St. Jamee Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use oí Wtalizedair. AC. NICHOLS. EÏXI9T ..ate of Nichols Bros.ltOver Adams's Bazaar , No. 13 South Main street. )t A. MAC LACHLAN, D. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Hangsterfer block. Reeidence. 26 S. División Street. Hours.- 1 to 5 and 6:30 to 7:38 P. M. C.W, VOGHEL, Akn Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. All kinds of MKATS AjVD SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry m seasou. TONY SCHIAPPACASSh, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEET. f RUITS, NUTS and GOlïrECTIONEBY TOBACCOSAND CIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit -a.Ij'w.a.'X's oirsr jljjstjd. Great Closing Out Sale. . Ilats trimmed according to Paris, New York and Cleveland styles. , Hate in all shapes and sizes both large and ?maü. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons. Veiling, i rilt and silver Lace. Everything in the line o )f Millinery wiü be sold at the very lowest e Drices from now on Please cali and examine I )ur line of froods bef ore purchasing elsewhere v Kespectf ully, MKS. A. OTTO, 19 Fourth Ave! v ___ n -V7-JSA1. HERZ, i NO. 4 W. WASniXGTON ST. ÍOUSE, SlGN, OpAMENAL AND Fp.ESCO PaIBTER, _ rilding-, calcimininjr, g-lazmjr and paper ' n(r. Allworkis done in the best style and varranted to irive satisfaction. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETORS OP l, CHE WESTERN BREWERY, ANN ARBOB, MICHí Brewers of Pure Laser Beer.