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Michigan (Tbntrat, " The Magara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (REVISED) NOV, 30, 1890. CENTRAL STANDARD TIM& EASTWARD. ïnFi i " - - stations Mail DayShrelNT Ni't AU. Kal Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Ace. 1 1. M A. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. H. A. If Chicago, Lv. I 7 05 9 00 12 2' 3 10 9 25 10 lo 4 50 Jackson 3 10 4 25 i SB 8 47 4 40 6 a 1141; Chelsea 310 5 30 713103 Dexter 4 14 5 45 7 28 10 4S Delhi Mills... 430 737 ANK 1EB0B.. 4 42 5 2J 6 30 9 45 6 0i 7 50 ii uo Ypsilanti.... 5 ('3 643 ... . 9 56 (16 8 08 1113 ftaynejuac 5 27 833 1182 . , ", M. M. A.M. A'M. Detroit, 4l, 6 15 ti 45 7 30Í1O 45 T 30 9-20 1210 A. M. A.M. Ia. M.lp. m. p. m. im Buffalo 8 IC 4 101 7 25 3 15 5 55..'... WESTWAKD. Chi. SpeCiN'th stations. Detr Chi. L,im MichiShre Pac. Mail Exp Kip Exp Exp. Lim Ex. Ace, A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. Kuffalo 12 30 6 30 9 4513151250 600 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P,M. P.M. Detroit, Lv... 83" 1 60 1 20 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 9i'8 .8 23 . 9 54 5 21 TlMilanti a 28 8 41 2 05 8 45 10 15 5 43 ANH AEBOE.. 9 43 867 2 19 8 6 lu 1 10 30 5 5s Delhi Mills.. 9 52..... 9 07 Dexter 10 00 9 15 608 Chelsea 1013 9 :0 619 Jackson 11 00 10 00 3 26 10 20 1113 1150 715 P.M. P.M. P.M. i.M. A.M. A.M. Chicago, Ar. 7 36 4 35 9 HO 6 40 4 50 8 Í15 tDaily. Sunday excepted. O. W.RUGGLES, H. W. HAFES. G. P. & T. A. Chicago. . Ag't Ann Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going inte effect, Monday, Feb., 20. GO1NO NORTH. Manistee Exprese and Mail 7 40 a. s, Mt. Pleasant Passenger 5 07 p. m. GOIG SOCTH. Mt. Pleasant Express 1135 a. m. Manistee Mail. 9 26p. m, W . H . JBENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent AGENTS ! Io ENTIRELY WANTED I f NEW BOOK The most wonderíul collection of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-saving and money-earning for every one owning it. Thousands of beautif ui, helpt ul engravings, showing just how to do everything. No competition; nothing llke it in the universe, When you select that which is of true valué, sales are sure. All sincerely desiringpaying employment and lookiug for something thoroughly flrst-class at an extraordinary low price. should write for description and term on the most remarkable achievement in bookmaking since the world began. SCA MMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUIS or PHILADELPHIA. trjdlBSafesi n E t jia. si i buw I KtBNSpnd valuablc lincof Uoiiseii'iW! HnAlm7SalnP'e eIe samples, as wt" s the watcli, ara ftec All the worlt yon nd do is to show what wc snd you to those who cali- your friendsaod neighbors and thosn abODt you- thatalwaysresult In v)iiable trade for us, which holds foryean wbenoDcestarted, and tbus we are repaid. Wc pay all express, freight, etc. Afler you know all, if you would Hke to go to work for uv yu can eam l'rom $3O to tfttO per week and upwards.Addreisp éu Co.. BoiSl 8. Portland, Maine.