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GRAND OPERA HOUSE JTJST ONE NIGHT. Saturday Evening, May 30, '91 The Young American Actor,, Ir. Clarence E. Holl SUl'PORTED BY HIS OWN NEW VOKK COMPAN5T, IN A GRAND PRODUCTION OF, A. Saumet, Sublime Germán Tragedy, The GLADIATOR SPECIAL SCENERY. The Great Arena Scène ! Most Effective Ever YV'ritten. Story deals with the persecution of ChriBtians, iu the üïth centuryjby Empress Faustena. REGULAR PRICES. Seatson Sale WEDNESDAY EVENING, at Postolllce News Room. Mortgage Sa!e. DEFAULT haviner been made in the eondltionsof aoertain Tnorttrage, made by Itichard lirown and Oatherine Brown to Thomas Kearney, dated Murch 5, A. D. 1885, and recorded in tliv office of the Register of Deeds, tor the County of Washtenuw and state of Michigan, on the flfth day of March. A D, 188S. in Liber (14 of Morlgagcs, on page 438 on which mortgnfre tbere is cíaimed to be due at the dateofthis QOtloe the siim f two thousand ei#hl liundred and ninety-nine dollars and flfty-nine cents, and au attorney's fee of thirty dollare provided for in said mortgaiie, and no suit or proceed ng:s at law having been institutel to recover the moneyg secured by said mortjcaife, or any part thereof ; Now. tberfefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortffage. and the statute in such case made and provided, notiee ie hereb.T given that on Fnday, the teuth day of July. A. I). 1891, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 1 ehall sell at Public Auetlon, to the highest bidder, at the north froni door of the (Jourt House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as mar be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage. with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorneys fee of thirty dollars eovenanted for therein, the premises bemg describert in said mortgage as all that certfiin lot, piece and parceï of land situate in the Township of Webster, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan and known and degcribed a9 follows: The east half of the north-east quarter of section, number one in township number one south of range number iive, east. THOMAS KEAENEY, Mortgagee. Thos. I. Kkarney, Attorney for Mortgagee. Rubber Shoes traless wora ■uncotnfortably tight, generaJJy slip oíT the feet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER. CO, mako all their shoes wlth ínslrte of heel linort w!t'.. mbtffr. This elitista to the shoe and prevente tbu rublver from süpping off C&II ïiï the " Coiohestor " "ADHESWE COUNTERS." fOR SALE BY Wm. Allaby. John Burgr, Doty & Feiner L. Gruner, W. Beinhardt & Co., A. D. Seyler & Son, mikwmn BÁKERY, GR0CEBÏ AND FLOüR AND FEEO STORE, We keep consiantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Betail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST PLOUR. 3. M. Swlft & Co.'B Best White Wheat Flonr, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Floor, Corn Meal, "íed, dkc, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock ot aROOEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which wil! be sold on as rtasonable terms as at any other house n the city. tíí-Cash paid le Biitter, Eegs, and Country Produce íjenerallv. BGoods Dellvered to anv part of the city wlth nut extra churu' . Rinsoy & Seabolt. JSaMBüPATENTSOBTAINEDlnTJ.S. fir'Wf.yjMi. niul all foreign countriefl JR[Si HSL L l Kxaminationa made. LiÁfrJtáíZaagfM&yr cc n se b and assignments ffWjffSr jTWt?wlK Irawn. Infringementa E1( H ) I gïjyZl urnM-cutcJ in arll ïede-al 2mW 1 B ' m tMcnurta. Advice and pamSïAalS ■ 1 1 B Pi phleta free. Scientific exUHl I Bill!BÏl"'rt valirtlty oplnlons TftjLAl MeB&9 givon. Nomodelsrequireil. ftSïsËr Tb'os.s'sfeagÜe&Son, 37